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Strong Island

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Everything posted by Strong Island

  1. wow that was really nice of you to share, thank you so much. Now to figure out how to mount a block or pot. might just push a pot up against it.
  2. Hey is there any chance you could possibly help me mod my card? I'm having trouble figuring it out.
  3. I really want the lightning. Do you know how much to USA. GLWS.
  4. this would be really amazing. I am trying to match up the guide for the reference 980 but having trouble. A titan x guide or just some pictures would be great.
  5. Here is my bios just in case it can help you. Also I guess enabling k-boost is worth a shot. I couldn't oc my 980 kpe mem unless k-boost was enabled. If you could oc the mem would you try a mod. Is it hard with these cards. There obviously is no info anywhere on these cards and there are so many rev.
  6. Ya I can upload mine here. Is yours this one http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814125775 I'm so sorry man, after I went to get the product link for you I realized it's rev. 2. I remembered seeing rev. and thought it was the same. maybe my bios can still help you though.
  7. man that's so weird. I got mine to 6100mhz and then it starts to bug out. I am using the newest precision x with win 7 and 8, are you going to try any mods.
  8. man I can't believe I completely maxed out my score and I'm out of top 10 already. The 5960x has a big disadvantage. It's nice to see a cheaper cpu competitive though. There isn't much more I could do at 4001mhz core, 3300mhz mem and 4.5 cache, my cache wont go any higher. It would be funny to use ln2 for this round just to get cache higher. I believe I have the same card. Which oc program are you using? The newest precision x is working great with my card, memory oc's nice and got core to 1371mhz on stock cooler. K-Boost even works. I would try px if you haven't already. Mine is working fine in both win7/8.1 Do you plan on trying to mod your card. I would love to try but dont know where to start. Trying to at least mod the bios now for 1187mv, 1162mv is max in precision right now.
  9. well if it's that easy than it would be nice if someone could help me out. I want to pull the trigger on a 580 lightning and 7970 lightning on ebay but I'm worried if I buy them first without abx I will be disapointed. If someone could help me that would be amazing. Even if it was just the 580 lightning. I don't want to send pm's to pepinorang since I don't have the cards yet. I was also thinking since it seems this thread was made for the purpose of getting abx for newer cards and the thread was just updated. There must be a 980 ti lightning and 390x lightning on the way. Oh man, I can't wait. Things like making abx more accessible would actually make me most likely go with a 980 ti lightning. It really would sway my decision a lot. A lot of the reasons why I have stuck with the recent classys is because of the software overvoltage and evbot.
  10. man that would be amazing. Even if it was just a card like the 580 lightning, I want to try one so bad but haven't had luck getting abx for it.
  11. this is really awesome. At least there are some more clear guidelines to meet and at least we know they are thinking about it. Thanks for the news
  12. it seems the 6 core has an advantage in stage 1. Is it possible to disable 2 cores for 5960x and only divide score by 6. It's cool though that the cheaper processor has a slight advantage. wish I would have held on to mine. This is my first oc-esports comp and it's a lot of fun. The speed caps really make it a lot more interesting.
  13. it sucks, they have been discontinued, hopefully they are working on an evbot 2.0 or something. I want to buy an epower so bad for my titan but I just don't have the skill or the money to replace my card, it's so tempting.
  14. i wish gigabyte would release some mod info for there gt 730. they have a nice 730 model with the full amount of cuda cores and gddr5 mem. there are so many different versions, some with only 96 cores. i wonder if we will see a lot of e powered subs. does anyone have any mod info for the gt 730
  15. this bench is a lot of fun, thanks for your hard work. Got a pretty decent 980 sub. http://hwbot.org/submission/2824367_
  16. I think you made a mistake with your sub. Next score below is over 2k core.
  17. that sucks I missed out, hopefully there will be some more.
  18. man that sucks, really want one but the shipping kills it for me. good luck with sale awesome price
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