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Strong Island

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Everything posted by Strong Island

  1. thanks for sharing, That's amazing that the temps would swing to 20c, that sucks really.
  2. Does anyone have a cold slow bios for the titan x or a 3d only bios. Is it needed? Going to bench on cold for first time tonight.
  3. ya TIN helped me when I did mine so that is why I know it is pin 15. I ended up just using another power board but I had a friend with same exact problem as you and I told him to cut pin 15 and it worked perfect without epowering memory.
  4. wow, I'm really sorry for you. $2000 euros is a ton of money and that's really not fair to keep someone waiting like that. If you come on here and offer a solution of refunds and then dont refund someone is not cool. The company should be big enough going by there last reply that they could eat any money already spent to take care of a customer and to fulfill there responsibility. I really hope you get your money back, if not we should all boycott until you do get it back.
  5. also you can cut pin 15 on gpu controller. In roman's guide he epowers memory so if not epowering memory you need to bypass the power good pin or whatever its called to allow the memory controller to function, if it sees the stock inductors are missing it will shut down. You have to either cut pin 15 or remove gpu ic or epower memory. TIN helped me when I was doing mine. At first I didn't realize I had to do that so I hooked up a second epower for the memory and it worked perfect all night, but the next day I went to add some grounds and must have made a big mistake because one of the epower boards started smoking, need to order some more, still have a lot to learn.
  6. what a nice surprise. Just wanted to say thanks for all your help.
  7. wow that's amazing. thank you very much for your help on this. between the new way to apply and having access to older versions, these things help so much.
  8. It does sound like an interesting point, but I am not even sure I would care to even watch and I love overclocking. I think for us the screenshot and still pictures of the equipment and comments at the bottom are our form of recording the event. I love when we get to see pictures of the different setups and mods and it's fun to look thru the screenshot, but a video of the computer screens video isn't that interesting. Which is a shame because maybe that's what would keep this hobby from being a major esport. At least with something like video games there is something on the screen that is interesting to some people and it's a little easier to televise. Imagine if it was just a video of the person using the controller. I could only see it working if you were able to edit the video and then release it after. So it's still taped live but you can cut out the boring parts and speed different parts up and maybe you could edit something that was interesting. otherwise what happens during the 10 minutes you are trying to get your mobo to boot and push the reset button 100 times and your sitting there kinda doing nothing. Also I think a big reason some of the other sports are interesting to watch is the commentary and play by play analysis. You would want something like that. instead of goooooooooooooaaaaaaaaaalllllllllll or "It is far, it is high, it is gone. We would have to think of a catch phrase for the exact world record moment. It is cold, it is frozen and now it's number 1. I'm not that clever to think of something good but we should come up with something.
  9. Those are both pretty rare nowadays. One was never even released.
  10. forgot to say thanks to gigabyte and hwbot for the gigabyte x99 gaming 5p. it's a beautiful board and my first prize. It looks like it's part of the champion series and has the oc socket so it looks great for overclocking also. It got here in like 3 days after I sent my address to Gigabyte. Pretty great.
  11. cool man, thanks a lot for the answer. I think I will preorder one. It really looks amazing.
  12. Hi Massman, is Strong Island available for my forum name and hwbot name. Seems silly to have the 1 if there isnt another Strong Island. Does this mess with the rankings or points at all. Thanks for your help.
  13. man that card looks amazing. It looks like you still had to do some mods. Does this card require some hard mods still?
  14. Ya you shouldnt have to deal with the card checking for the stock vrm since you removed the controllers. You still have to plug in the gpu's power connectors for the auxillary controllers.
  15. thanks a lot futuremark, hwbot and mods. That makes things a lot easier.
  16. i see the angle now. that is so amazing. that power section looks so incredible, the white looks so cool also.
  17. wow this is insane. is this a hof 980 ti vrm powering a titan . that looks so amazing and looks like one card.
  18. honestly I am not that familiar with this bench but I know that aquamark, 3d01,03,05,06 are all very similar. Nobody really runs them with x99. The best platform right now for those benches is z97 because it has the best single core performance and will clock higher than x99, plus the ram latency is a lot lower. Since these benches cant take advantage of the quad channel ram it's pointless, better off with ddr3 and lowest cl possible. They have mostly become cpu benches. When I first started out I tried running 3d01 on my x79 system and my cpu was clocked very low but my 780 ti kingpin was clocked at like 1900 core and I thought my score was going to be amazing and my score was so horrible around 90,000 and I couldn't figure out why. I eventually started learning why, it's all about the correct platform and cpu speed. GPU clocks with cards like 780 ti don't matter that much after a certain speed. You could even get amazing scores by just putting the cpu on cold and leaving gpu on air. Edit - Oh ok I thought you were on xp. XP will definitely help your scores in the older 3d benches. You will see what I mean about k-boost. nvidia power mizer manager does basically the same thing but works in xp. Also if you have to use x99 you could try disabling some cores to see if you could bump the cpu speed. Definitely turn off hyper threading.
  19. that's weird I can never get kboost to work in xp. well the reason the 4790k's are better is because the older benches are single threaded so the extra cores are not helping and the quad channel ram either. You need the highest possible single core speed and lowest ram latency possible. So the 4790k's will be better because they have better single core performance because they will clock higher. Also this is a cpu bench so to properly compare your score to others you need to make sure that the cpu speed is exactly the same. Since this bench is cpu dependent the cpu speed will effect graphic score.
  20. try monitoring the clocks when running. Usually with older benches and the newer cards with boost, the bench isn't stressful enough to make the card boost properly. Try using nvidia power mizer manager and it should keep the card at full load at all times which should help with old benches and new cards. also these older benches are almost all cpu benches, you need to clock your cpu as high as possible.
  21. Thanks a lot for your help on this.
  22. can we disable cores for the 3d benches? i figure the answer is yes but i might as well make sure
  23. hey guys, is there anyone in here that can order from evga eu. I would definitely throw you a couple bucks. I can't believe I ordered 2 from ocuk last friday when there was 2 in stock. Now they tell me today that they don't have anymore and there are no more coming. They have had my money for a week and didn't tell me this until I messaged them about a status on my order. I am so mad right now. It is so frustrating we cant just buy one of these and have to jump thru hoops.
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