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Strong Island

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Everything posted by Strong Island

  1. You have benched too much when you think it's funny to post in this thread.
  2. I know this was from last year but it's so awesome I had to comment, what a beautiful pot you built, it looks so professional. I love the design and never saw anything like it. Really cool idea and execution.
  3. hey guys does anyone know what the xtu setting 1 thru 9 does in the bios for m8e.
  4. I know, it's driving me nuts, especially ocn, everyone in there trying to tell roman how to make it and what tools to use and how much to charge. This is so stupid. Companies charge $50 just for one delid and you can get this for unlimited delid's. Nobody has any business to tell him how to make it or how much to charge. it's his product and idea and we should be really happy for him and support him as much as possible. I never saw anything like this before roman released it. We always talk about stuff from our extreme world helping out the computer industry and this should be one of those times. because he had to delid so many cpu's for extreme oc he invented something that helps the entire pc community. I think this is awesome. And I wish him great success with his product.
  5. If anyone has any AFR samples for sale I would love to grab some. I'm sure everyone would but I thought it would be worth a try. Would also love a ln2 memory pot, really not sure which one to go with yet so I might just grab anything for a good price. Please let me know. Thanks.
  6. man this score is incredible, it's so frustrating I have a 6.2ghz xtu cpu but mere mortals like me can't get these mems. Not that I would even come close but it would be fun to try. Sorry about your board.
  7. crazy core clock, looks like the highest ever submitted for 980 ti
  8. man this is so amazing, really awesome score. that is some psu power.
  9. wow, awesome score, really efficient
  10. I believe it has to be a 2 core. I asked for some previous comps and they said disabling cores is not allowed, I think it's like a general rule for oc esports comps. It would be nice to be able to, more people could get involved. I only have an eight core right now for my gigabyte board so I can't even participate. But I would imagine it would make a moderating mess.
  11. Awesome score loud. ya they are hard to find, there are 2 sites that say they are special order but I haven't tried. I wish microcenter would get some.
  12. Thanks a lot, ya I think I might buy my first memory pot because this mem is maxed on air right now. It's 2 sticks from a quad channel x99 kit and there not great. It's really strange but in quad channel on x99 they do 3300mhz but 2 sticks in dual channel they only do like 3230, no matter which 2 sticks. Thanks a lot
  13. ya I guess that will be the test. It's worked twice so far without cracking but with 2 different cpus. Will see what happens the second time I use the same cpu without changing paste If I need to change it everytime I will probably just use the electrical tape so it will be easy to change the paste. Need to refill, ran out last night.
  14. I had my best luck last night with thick paste. I glued back the ihs. I lightly dropped the ihs onto the sealant and then put it into the clamshell but just pushed enough to close it and even out the ihs. So I made sure that there was a nice amount of paste in between the ihs and die. The paste was cracking everytime with thin paste. Last night I was benching -170c for hours and it didn't crack a single time. I also took the cleaning pad that comes with clu paste and I scratched up the underside of the ihs, maybe that helped also. Another good way to simulate re-sealing with a thick layer of paste is to - take some strips of electrical tape and make a square around the die and place the ihs on the tape. It helps to keep from sliding and gives it just enough height to have some thicker paste underneath, 2 layers might even be better. Here is a result from last night to show I'm not just talking and it really worked nicely.
  15. ya I here ya, just figured I would ask, thanks. Tried it out last night, I put it back in the clam shell after which seemed to be a nice way to keep it tight while drying, I just hope I did it evenly.
  16. I bought the one you mentioned. Do you think it's good enough and does the job? Should I grab the other one instead or were you satisfied with yours. Will you try the other?
  17. You have to slipstream the xp ahci driver in OP into your install. The most recent m8e bios in OP works with xp fine. I'm using 0007
  18. ya I think without resealing the ihs, the hold down brkt and the pot push the ihs really hard against the die and I think this is causing me some issues. Going to try and reseal. I had a lot of luck last night by letting the paste crack and then looping xtu. it's so wierd because at first temps go to like +60c but without even adding nitrogen, each run the temps get colder and colder. So I did it until they weren't positive anymore and then really slowly bring temps back down, I try to only pour while under load and I pour really slowly. it helped a lot last night because a cpu that was only doing 5.9ghz hwbot prime did 6.3ghz last night. I was able to get a bunch of runs in at around -170c and then it would crack again but looping xtu helps. Thanks to Splave for suggestion. I had one point last night at 1.85v and the tim cracked and one core was hitting 100c even though the pot was around -140c, this platform definitely takes some getting used to.
  19. I grabbed this used for $6 and it works fine, I can use usb in xp now with m8e. For $6 it was totally worth it. http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0026I4DZ2?psc=1&redirect=true&ref_=oh_aui_detailpage_o01_s00
  20. wow incredible, that afr is pretty amazing.
  21. I'm going to try the usb method, but I just made an image of a xp install last night and I think I can just ghost it from here on out. Tried last night and worked fine. Anyway it's not a huge deal, almost all benches I like are win 7 and win 10 and they work perfect. I just got a little mixed up because the oc formula has an asmedia ide option which is amazing because you can use your modded ahci driver and slipstream into an xp install on a dvd. Then install xp really easy with asmedia port and then turn off pc and switch to the intel ahci ports and it works great. I was expecting to have the same option with asus. Also the ps/2 splitter on oc formula works. This board was almost double the price so I guess I expected all the same features plus more. Not complaining, just speaking honestly. But now xp is working fine and I will get a $20 pcie usb and everything will be great with an amazing board. The only reason I care is because someone said that the ps/2 emulator which is how the mouse and keyboard are working for the extreme can take a little hit on cpu resources, but I try not to touch mouse and keyboard during bench so should be ok. pcie usb 2.0 should work fine right? I also just wanted to say thanks so much for the amazing oc guide. It really is amazing and again this board is great with win 7, win 8.1 and win 10. I wish we could all just make a deal to never use xp for the legacy 3d benches, eventually cpu power will overcome any win 7 penalty and everything would be great.
  22. ya my oc formula result was on a pretty messy os, gonna try fresh on my maximus extreme tonight
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