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Strong Island

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Everything posted by Strong Island

  1. Believe me man I really dont have much. I make so many sacrifices in my life. I drive a 1990 buick, I walk to work so I barely use it. I havent bought new clothes in 5 years, I try not to eat out, I'm behind on my taxes and some bills. I also always have to sell each card I use to be able to buy a new one. As long as you have a steady job and are willing to make sacrifices you can make anything happen if you really love it. I also work a ton of overtime. I just passed my independent appraisal license test so hopefully soon I can start making some real money. And now this card eats so much ln2 I'm broke, also benching these cards is not as easy as K|NGP|N, steponz, xtreme addict and gunslinger make it look, especially at the very top end with the voltages and control that's required
  2. Just wanted to bump my request and see if Strong Island is available for my hwbot and forum nickname
  3. I agree with rbuass, Man benching the 980 ti kpe this weekend along with the 5960x really made me have a new found respect for the top results. it's not easy at all to push to the max. I had to keep my cpu at a safe speed just to try and concentrate on the gpu, the amount of ln2 I used and money spent was insane. I have a new found respect for the guys hitting 2100 with 980 ti's and titan x's. And most of the top guys who bench 3d are basically benching 2d at the same time because they are maxing there cpu's out also and running physics tests. I mean steponz was hitting 5.9ghz during his 3d runs which is 2d clocking also, what is the difference between 3dmark physics and xtu, not much. Also just to throw it out there I think the points given out for the oc esports stuff has really been excessive, the rankings feel weird now. I think the points for 3d should be worth a lot more than 2d, but then I look at the chart Massman showed and it looks pretty equal, maybe there is a way to add a modifier for the amount of pots used for the submission, like steponz suggested.
  4. ya I don't know if I like the oc esports points. I dropped 30 places over night and now it's really hard to move up from just benching normally because the places feel more separated now. Obviously I need to join more comps but I don't think you should end up being penalized if you dont want to. It's such a huge chunk of points that some people get. Once it went live we should have all started at 0
  5. man you've been killin it, xtreme addict is everywhere, so many amazing scores.
  6. man that sucks, what a weird thing to happen right as 980 ti lightning launches. Thanks for all your help pepinorang, until you came a long i always felt i had no chance of getting a copy, you were really helpful.
  7. this is just insane, what an amazing card, this score is so huge
  8. thanks guys, could always use tips from you, still feel like i havent maxed the card yet, excited for next time.
  9. no, it's the really low memory speed and I should have pushed the shader higher, I was also testing LOD so I think my setting was hurting the card, I also used the wrong driver. It's my first time benching an older card like this and I wasnt benching when these came out so I am still getting used to it. I was only pushing it to about -85c because colder wasnt helping. I kept a good eye on the fps so I know it wasnt cold slow. It was my first successful zombie and really my first couple times soldering so I was really happy with the results. I found a sammy card on ebay and the memory does around 1270mhz so I'm going to redo it.
  10. I think it was around 1.425v, it was awhile ago though so it's hard to remember exactly. Going to try on cold soon, hoping it's a nice card. I'm not saying I have actually seen 1130+ but I would imagine there are a lot of cards faster than mine, also my temps were pretty warm, usually would exceed 50c, at 30c loaded it would probably be possible for my card.
  11. got my 8800 gts up to 1215 core, but the sub is really inefficient, I have a samsung card now, gonna redo it. http://hwbot.org/submission/2952704_strong_island_1_3dmark_vantage___performance_geforce_8800_gts_512_mb_10488_marks
  12. this is the highest I could get mine to on ambient water with ek universal, 1101mhz. 1130mhz would be pretty rare but should be possible. http://hwbot.org/submission/2900420_strong_island_1_3dmark_vantage___performance_geforce_gtx_580_41951_marks
  13. Awesome score, the streaming was cool, It was definitely motivating to watch. After watching that last night I went and benched right away.
  14. why are you selling all your stuff? how come you paid so much for the kingpin card?
  15. cool man, thanks. Might try a gigabyte model. I have been emailing the listings on ebay asking, most I think are too inexperienced or dont have time to remove the cooler. So far I'm getting like 1050mhz with this quimonda and a lot of the top scores are around 1250-1330mhz with other memory so the difference in the score is pretty big.
  16. hey I see yours has the samsung memory. Do you know which brand it was? Does anyone know if there was a brand that exclusively used samsung. I have bought 2 on ebay so far with quimonda and it really is horrible.
  17. This is a pll mod. I eventually took off my 2nd memory power board and cut pin 15 and now it works perfect with just vcore board. I did this pll mod last night, but be careful I think it should be a 20k vr. I used a 20k set at 15k and the stock pll voltage was about 1.15v and booting up with 15k vr gave me about 1.24v. I had trouble with xp and the memory but I got the card up to 1150core in vantage. It was my first time with card and now I did a few more mods so hopefully second time will be better. It's so much fun to practice on older card for $20 on ebay. Forgot to turn hyper threading back on when moved from xp to win 7. Gonna re-run tonight on x99.
  18. looks like a really fun card, thanks for sharing.
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