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Strong Island

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Everything posted by Strong Island

  1. Just got my maximus extreme is it possible to make an option in the bios for the asmedia sata ports for IDE, it makes installing xp so easy. Also if I slipstream the ahci driver you guys posted should I be able to install from optical drive. it seems like it doesnt work during install but after install I can switch to the intel ahci ports. Does that sound right? Sorry for all the questions but does the ps/2 port work with a splitter. Last night I could only get either the mouse or keyboard but not both at same time. Either way thanks for amazing motherboard, I made an install with ahci driver before I got rid of my oc formula so I should be able to make an image and always use that. But I'm have trouble with ps/2 splitter. Should a pcie usb 2.0 card work good?
  2. the newest version is working fine for me in xp even on skylake, been using all week and saved files submitted fine
  3. wow it's so much fun to see these scores, they are always a mile ahead of everything else, on another level.
  4. really cool thread, thanks for doing this. Helps out newer overclockers a lot who werent around when some of these programs were floating about
  5. here is mine on oc formula 9442, could try xp also. Can try m8e in 2 days
  6. ya that's strange, I tested a data file I saved yesterday and it worked fine using xp and z170 but my problem is that it gets stuck when trying to start.
  7. This is really amazing, I have been drooling over all his 8800 scores for awhile now, what amazing core clocks. Also the guide and write ups you guys did were really helpful, thanks.
  8. hey guys just started benching some aquamark on z170 last night with xp. Does anyone have the problem when trying to start the bench from the wrapper and I just get 2 big black squares, I have to kill with task manager and then try again and it works until I restart or close the wrapper. it's so annoying. Am I doing something wrong?
  9. i don't have much rep here but at ocn I do. I'm always willing to help out so let me know if you still need help with this, I'm about to order one myself.
  10. Thanks a lot guys, this was only at -85c, having a little cold bug trouble, need to find the right mix of pll voltages tonight.
  11. never mind just needed to tighten the right timings like splave and coolice said and score goes way up, finally figured it out.
  12. last night I was pulling my hair out because I am only scoring about 1450 at 4.6ghz, similar score on 7, 8.1, and 10. I should be around 1600 compared to other scores. This is with 2 dimms on oc formula/6700k. Will give 4 dimms a shot tonight.
  13. what board are you using, maybe you hit the slow mode switch by accident while building?
  14. awesome score, nice feeling it must be breaking 2k, nice memory also.
  15. Wow thanks a lot guys for all the advice and comments. What an amazing feeling it is to have all you guys comment on my score. Made me so happy when I saw it.
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