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Everything posted by Random

  1. My chip bent during delid only one corner, it was resulting in mem issues, reseated it and then it never happened again. I have since used chip in a different board and unmounted several times No issue occured since. I think I had to get all the remant of the old silicon off or something. But like someone already said the lid should straighten it out when you mount it. I would suggest trying again before calling it dead too. I think I only bent one corner though where the silicon was really hard to get off I used .009" thick http://www.stanleytools.com/en-US/products/hand-tools/knives-blades/replacement-blades/100-pk-112-in-single-edge-razor-blades/11-515 Those double edged razors you all suggest.. how could you even get a grip on them without cutting off your fingers? honestly if I get anymore cpus with lids I will just send them out to silicon lottery. 50$ and I won't have to worry about killing 400Euro + chips I hope they do a SKY LAKE CANYON a sky lake in a canyon.
  2. Random

    6700K reject

    I know I should wait for a few months for intel to improve manufacturing but I have never been known for patience.
  3. Random

    6700K reject

    crap I was asleep....
  4. Payment sent for, 1 piece 5 ghz 1.46 windows boot,cinebench 4800 1.38 420E.
  5. I am an idiot, but I will elaborate You didnt say any specific voltages, autos didnt help me, and i saw specific voltages (1.2v) on xs last night. Thanks for your help though. Sorry... I deleted all my r e t a r d e d posts so.. sorry.
  6. thanks I will check out XS Im on single stage, i made some improvements maybe but kot as good as what i had before bios change. Well.. individually wow... 5.1ghz at 1.4v and 4.8 cache passed xtu 5ghz at 1.36v was a rush.
  7. Cas 10.... just... wow... I need to see some 32m action
  8. are the links for the asrock bios working correctly? I am seeing gibberiish nevermind I got it with google chrome
  9. was wondering when I'd see that 3933 c11 you were telling me about... DAYUM
  10. Wasnt an issue with the x99m killer 3.1(all slots oc'd basically the same save for slight voltage variations), forgot which ones were bad for z-series Working better now though
  11. Thanks, I am gonna be more patient with it I guess. I am just not used to struggling to OC my binned HOT sticks. Usually I can just set what I want and it goes.. lol That and i thought it was freezing but it was just taking a while to get to login screen for c12 2800... wow c12 2800... they do c11 3250 32m on air but struggle with c12 3000 on this skylakr... just...
  12. some phase with dried GC delid.. kryonaut is gonna be nice... http://hwbot.org/submission/2971688_random_xtu_core_i7_6700k_1637_marks?recalculate=true 6700k, batch L526B394 5.2ghz with 5g cache @ 1.505v on vcore peak dmm on SS 1.24 VID water 1.411v core 1.2VID everything stable
  13. 30gram tube like prolimatech would be fine. I contacted roman about the special size and he said he'd check stock and get back to me and never did. Still waiting patiently.
  14. Bump. Update price to 310shipped to the us. 290+shipping intl
  15. Random

    Too hot weather

    Seriously.. chilly box... or find/ make a phase.... probably, phases my not be super effective past certain ambients
  16. Hold evbot and dark pot for me till the afternoon?
  17. Nvm sold it
  18. Inbox cleared, and I replied. Doing catzilla 720 with it if anyone wants its general air performance. Stock OC bios So i upgraded bios. Gonna mess with it a little more, i think gpu core is tapped out (artifacts and dmm voltage arent changing no matter what at about 1408mhz boost, 1.155 at load in bench) Mem seems pretty stable at 1900 with a slight bump over stock with custom bios stock bios can do it but artifacts during testing(still passes though) I got my eraser in yesterday, so if it doesnt sell this morning ill do some light ln2, i am irritated with how little it responds to voltage so i am gonna see if its just a matter of temps. Shipping is 70$ without insurance for 3-5day for intl.
  19. nothing wrong I just don't like vga overclocking http://imgur.com/rnITAiO http://imgur.com/kpXNUia 12th place on fs not bad for stock bios http://hwbot.org/submission/2949930_random_3dmark___fire_strike_geforce_gtx_980_ti_19239_marks?recalculate=true http://www.evga.com/artic...ce-GTX-980-Ti-KINGPIN/ 950+ shipping USD Paypal http://heatware.com/eval.php?id=89009 http://www.overclock.net/classifieds...user_id/321100
  20. Hold
  21. Random

    Too hot weather

    I have about those temps. I use a gtx 480 nemesis and 8 pwm modded ap30s
  22. did you try any 32m, 4000mhz, or c12 3300+?
  23. Random


    I think it might be time to start some pages on other forums... Atleast as a warning. to someone who may potentially buy a phase through them. or anything else really... At this point I'd get some legal aide. I mean 2000E for one person 700 or so from another. They are a big company and they are borderline scamming people. There's gotta be something you can do. Found this on their trademark info. Owner Owner: DimasTech Systems, Inc. 13939 NW 60th Aveneue Miami lakes FL 33014 Legal Entity Type: Corporation Correspondent/Attorney Correspondent / Attorney: NIDIA PEREZ NIDIA PEREZ, PLLC 1521 ALTON RD # 74 MIAMI BEACH, FL 33139-3301
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