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Everything posted by der8auer

  1. New CPUs added
  2. haha awesome work man Was really waiting for someone to beat 740
  3. about 8-10 next week
  4. Well most people just report the good CPUs and not the bad stuff. Everyone who doesn't belive it can just go ahead and buy 20 CPUs and see how good they are
  5. Sure that's why there are so many 6.5+ CPUs out in the wild.
  6. With Broadwell-E for sure. Will probably skip 5960X for now. I think so, yes. Will check the stock tomorrow.
  7. Like I said few pages before. It's not like people have 980Tis laying on the table but are just too lazy to bench them. There are a lot of other factors which also contribute to the whole "problem". Mainboard vendors made it really easy to overclock CPUs. All important features are included. No need to modding anything. If a CPU dies you can just RMA it. However, nvidia is blocking OC completely. Not sure if I would mod my new 980Ti and if it dies I lose 800€. Hardmod = no RMA. What we see today is the result of the whole industry. Not just "the evil bot"
  8. The fact that more people bench 2D and the interest in 3D is much lower. We're still on HWBOT trying to break records, right? I'm not sure if limiting benchmarks in any way makes sense. In the end we lower the possible score because of some hardware restrictions? It's overclocking - not overlimiting. Massmans approach to adjust the point system is the only way as long as we can't "fix" the benchmark itself. 2D has a higher interest because it's much more affordable. That's pretty simple.
  9. Even pro overclockers need their motivation
  10. Okay #3: 33X0033 sold to Rauf Thanks! Will reply to your mail after lunch
  11. Okay so you want to buy 33X0033? Please always post it directly in this thread to make sure the first request also gets the CPU.
  12. 8x2509 sold to sskmercer
  13. The memory works the same as the CPU. e.g. 100 BCLK and 21.33 Multiplier will result in 2133 MHz. If you increase the BCLK to 140 MHz it will result in 2986 MHz (140 x 21.33) if you don't lower the multi. You can usually chose between these multis: 8.0 10.66 13.33 16.0 18.66 21.33 24.0 ... So if you want to run a BCLK of 140 MHz with 2133 Memory sticks you can use 16.0 which will result in 2240 MHz or 13.33 which will result in 1866 MHz.
  14. Looks good I think Just need to see it on the server but I think this should be a nice improvement!
  15. 1. Going 2. Depends on what we have to bench for the world tour (when will we know it?) 3. Car (too small for a dewar. Albrecht leave yours at home ) 4. nothing yet. Anyone knows a good page to find an apartment for us?
  16. I have to agree with vivi. There has to be a clear reward for top1 and top3 compared to the rest. Maybe not that hard but 100, 80, 75, 70... could be good.
  17. Caseking - LN2 pretested CPU sale We test a huge amount of CPUs every week and we already sell pretested 6700K & 6600K CPUs officially at the Caseking.de online-shop. https://www.caseking.de/en/pc-components/cpus-processors/intel-processors/socket-1151?sPage=1&sSort=4 I know from my own experience that it is a pain in the a$$ to bin CPUs on your own cost. But the worst part is if the CPU dies and you have to start again with binning. I managed to establish something for you guys to avoid this problem We offer special pretested LN2 CPUs for you guys with Caseking OC-Warranty. How we test: I use a Maximus VIII Gene for pretesting on air. The pretested CPUs can run 1h Prime95 1344K at 4.5 - 4.8 GHz (depending on the category) on air below 1.40 Volt without delidding. I won't explain my exact binning method but you can be sure you get the best of the best. The 4.8 GHz CPUs are the top 3-5% and sometimes I have to go through over 50 CPUs without finding a single one. So you can imagine this takes a lot of time and effort. After finding the best CPUs on air, we pretest some of them on LN2 (ASUS M8E) to see what clock they can run HWBOT Prime at 1.90 vCore. The chips will usually clock more because we don't have the time to test them full detail. OC-Warranty Every pretested LN2 chip is a CPU of the 4.8 GHz category. If your CPU dies you will get a similar 4.8 GHz CPU as replacement. Maybe the replacment will clock 100-50 MHz lower but it will still be a decent chip The Caseking overclocking warranty covers your chip as long as it’s not physically damaged. Overclocking and delidding are covered (all CPUs are already delidded with the DDM). Avoid using the razor blade because scratches in the PCB/IHS will void the warranty. Also avoid scratches on top of the IHS. Lapping or any other physical alteration will also void the warranty. The 4.8 GHz replacement will only be available until a new generation of Intel Desktop CPUs is released. E. g. I won't be able to bin Skylake CPUs once Kaby Lake is out. How to buy a chip? I will list the available chips here in this thread. Simply reply to this thread with the CPU code and send a mail to: rhartung@caseking.de Please include your full address and phone number. First-come, first-serve! HWBOT Partnership I want to thank HWBOT for the opportunity to use this plattform. HWBOT will get a share of each pretested-CPU in return. This way you can support projects such as the HWBOT World Tour Payment We accept Paypal and bank transfer Shipping We ship worldwide. The exact shipping costs depend on the location. EU should be around 15€ and the rest of the world around 35€. Available CPUs: 6700K:* - 6600K:* - Sold Items: #1: 8X2509 HWBOT Prime @ 1.90 V: 6460 MHz* CB: No CBB: -170 °C Price: 750 € #3: 33X0033 HWBOT Prime @ 1.90 V: 6426 MHz* CB: No CBB: -171 °C Price: 700 € #5: 22X1177 HWBOT Prime @ 1.90 V: 6598 MHz* CB: No CBB: -164 °C Price: 900 € #7: 36X1502 HWBOT Prime @ 1.90 V: 6595 MHz* CB: No CBB: -146 °C Price: 900 € #6: 31X2635 HWBOT Prime @ 1.90 V: 6424 MHz* CB: No CBB: -135 °C Price: 700 € #19: 99X1135 HWBOT Prime @ 1.90 V: 6627 MHz* CB: No CBB: -157 °C Price: 1000 € #20: 122X3172 HWBOT Prime @ 1.90 V: 6666 MHz* 5th best out of 700 CB: No CBB: -155 °C Price: 1200 € #21: 124X3214 HWBOT Prime @ 1.90 V: 6666 MHz* 4th best out of 700 CB: No CBB: -163 °C Price: 1200 € #22: 44X1498 HWBOT Prime @ 1.91 V: 6701 MHz* 3rd best out of 700 CB: No CBB: -165 °C Price: 1500 € #18: 51X1532 HWBOT Prime @ 1.90 V: 6595 MHz* CB: No CBB: -168 °C Price: 950 € #17: 86X0172 HWBOT Prime @ 1.90 V: 6596 MHz* CB: No CBB: -165 °C Price: 950 € #16: 120X0705 HWBOT Prime @ 1.90 V: 6558 MHz* CB: No CBB: -168 °C Price: 900 € #14: 121X1098 HWBOT Prime @ 1.90 V: 6523 MHz* CB: No CBB: -168 °C Price: 850 € #13: 52X1766 HWBOT Prime @ 1.90 V: 6528 MHz* CB: No CBB: -167 °C Price: 850 € #15: 105X3190 HWBOT Prime @ 1.90 V: 6523 MHz* CB: No CBB: -173 °C Price: 875 € *OC-Results may vary from what we achieved. Mainboard, memory, cooling and configuration have a significant influence on the overclocking resuts and also the temperature behavior.
  18. hahaha Yea, let's say we had some interesting conversations.
  19. Depends on how much gear you need. We can also use the white starfighter Might be a bit faster Any plans on renting an apartment?
  20. Will see what I can do. Will do Poitiers for sure!
  21. Yea Nick Shih (ASRock) already showed on facebook that it's possible to overclock these Xeon on the C23x Boards. I guess it's just a matter of time until we will see the BIOS out in the wild.
  22. Maybe because Intel is not happy about it. But it's just a guess.
  23. Ah okay now I get it. It could be a solution but the question is: Is the "solution" the correct path? In the end 3D mainly has a lower participation because of the price. A competitive rig for 3D is always at least double the price than a 2D rig. Adjusting the points in this direction would also adjust it more into the "money-game-direction". I mean it's not like everyone has 980Ti cards laying around but is just too lazy to bench them.
  24. I don't really understand how this fixes the 2D vs 3D "issue". To me this looks like everyone will just have more points (I still think there is nothing to fix. 2D vs 3D is a simple natural result)
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