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Everything posted by der8auer

  1. It covers Germany and I can get it retroactive for Europe in case it's needed. Don't get me wrong the tool you and others printed which is made out of 2 parts and needs a vice is totally fine. A complete different approach Just protecting the delid-die-mate principle
  2. Just so you're aware. The patent doesn't only cover the design. It also covers the principle that you have 2 parts which hold the CPU and 1 moving part that actually delids the CPU.
  3. It looks like new. No marks or scratches on the IHS. 20 are sold but I have no clue who owns one
  4. That's pretty cool! What about a global OC Map?
  5. New tools are in production. I guess about 2 weeks.
  6. The 3D printed part was released few days after the Delid Die Mate. I totally support all kind of improvement. It's just funny that people take the idea for granted and just complain. My tool was designed for maximum stability, compatibility and the fact that you don't need any other tools. You can glue the IHS back on and you don't need a vice. After I released the DDM the price for a vice apparently dropped to 0$. The guy who made the 3D printed tool also said that his tool is mainly designed for one to few uses only. In addition he said it might not work with IHS with round edges. I'm just tired of defending the price of the product. Just don't buy it if you don't like it. I made the tool mainly for myself and just offer it to others. I also don't call ferrari and complain about the price because I don't like it... SoF where did the idea exist before? Maybe you should call yourself Only-Appear-To-Complain-SoF from now on.
  7. Well don't buy it if you don't like the price. You can just spend 50 Cent on a razorblade and go for it. There is no way you can print this with the required tolerances below 10€. Also have fun printing the threads for the screws
  8. Looks really interesting. Will have a closer look on that. Thanks
  9. I'm not familiar with Massdrop. What is it? Seen some other guys asking for it already.
  10. Yes that's the launch price. I'm trying to lower the price but can't promise miracles for now. Manufacturing is not cheap and the tolerances to fit the PCBs are pretty low. Honestly I want to be 100% sure that it works with all the CPUs and doesn't damage anything. I rather have a more expensive tool than a CPU-killer. Sale will start tomorrow at Caseking.de. I'm already working with some sales guys to get it available in other countries as well. Broadwell works as well btw. Tested compatibility so far: Ivy Bridge, Haswell, Devils Canyon, Broadwell, Skylake.
  11. If I'd include my time for developing, this would be 3 times the price lol.
  12. I also think the price of a Lamborghini should be divided by 3. Lolwtf
  13. 3D printing is not going to work. I thin you underestimate the forces involved
  14. Thanks guys I'm really trying to make this as cheap as possible. I have no final price yet. Ofc patent pending
  15. Hey We all know that delidding is necessary to get good scores with Skylake CPUs. I binned a lot of CPUs recently and tried to delid one of my best ones with a razor blade. However I cut a little bit too deep and damaged the CPU. CPU only runs with 8 PCIe lanes now which is a pitty. So I decided to create a little tool for safe CPU delidding - I call it Delid Die Mate. The tool is pretty simple and is based on the vice method. However, CPU and heatspreader are secured inside the tool and can't move. So no risk to damage any part of the CPU The whole delidding process takes about 1 minute with the tool. In addition you can also glue the IHS back on with the Delid Die Mate. So should be pretty handy for Skylake benchers. It's also compatible to Ivy Bridge, Haswell and Devils Canyon. No clue about Broadwell because I have no CPU here to test. It's always hard to explain how things work in a post so I uploaded a short video on my youtube channel. You can skip to 1:40 if you don't want to listen to my bla bla Available soon at Caseking
  16. I need a Socket 1366 X58 Board for a friend. Doesn't have to be a special board like R3E because he's just aiming for normal air overclocking. The cheaper - the better
  17. Really solid score! Well done slow mode?
  18. der8auer

    xeon L3014

    How much would you pay?
  19. It's alright. None of you will be first.
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