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Everything posted by der8auer

  1. Kryonaut. The soldering doesnt work that well. Cracks on cold and probably kills the chip
  2. Sure or mail me: roman@der8auer.de
  3. Good idea. Will try to arrange it on monday
  4. You can get the ASROCK non-K OC BIOS for the Z170 OC Formula here: http://overclocking.guide/download/asrock-z170-oc-formula-bios-for-non-k-oc/
  5. Awesome work elmor. Great stuff for the oc community!
  6. der8auer


    Frozen TIM is like glue once you go to -20°C or lower it should stick pretty well.
  7. Really nice engineering there. Great work
  8. Working on the distribution but meanwhile you can order directly from Caseking if you want. I have to check the shipping costs but I think it should be something around 100€ incl. shipping to the US. If you are interested just shoot a mail to: rhartung@caseking.de
  9. Wow that's not cool. At least the CPU is not damaged. We will have 50 DDMs next week at Caseking. A lot more incoming within the next weeks
  10. Please reserve until monday. Will take it 99%
  11. Damn that's amazing. Hope you can share how this worked. This would be a revolution to OC if this works on other Boards.
  12. No, that's exactly the wrong approach. Why would you award money over skill? Skill in the way that the competition is much higher and tougher in a single GPU category.
  13. I would always use a fat pot if possible. Much easier to maintain the right temperature
  14. It's just the result of a natural progress. It's a lot cheaper to do 2D than 3D. For 3D you need X99 + 5960X + at least one High-End GPU. So that's a 2k€ Rig. 2D starts with a 150€ Board, 150€ RAM and a decent CPU which might cost 300-400€. So that's 700€ vs 2000€. It's pretty obvious that a lot more people will go for 2D because not everyone can afford X99 + High-End GPUs. Rewarding special points just for 3D would shift the points even more to sponsored guys who can afford multiple GPUs without any problems.
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