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Everything posted by der8auer

  1. Sure, but normally the IHS will keep it straight and/or the socket frame will fix it. So not really a problem for normal people
  2. The PCB is only 0.780 mm thick so it will bend without IHS if you put it back in the socket. just too many pins and the PCB is not thick enough for that.
  3. It helps to move the CB but it really depends on the CPU. Some ES we benched liked 1,9 vPLL but some retails don't like PLL above 1,7 Volt
  4. Hey, I'm considering to sell this chip: http://forum.hwbot.org/showpost.php?p=363485&postcount=131 That's the max I did so far: http://hwbot.org/submission/2888178_der8auer_cinebench___r11.5_core_i7_5820k_19.37_points For 24/7 the chip is capable of 4700-4800 MHz. Binned out of 35 Chips by a member of PC Games Hardware. Bought it myself for 800€ so I'd ask 750€ for it.
  5. Nothing magical. We just wait Never open multiple CPU-Z windows at the same time. Wait until it's fully open.
  6. One important point is also that Nvidia is locking the cards. There are not many users who like to epower a 1000$ card or solder on these. Much easier to play with a K-CPU and a Board with a nice BIOS.
  7. The result of the table kinda looks like before - just with a higher amount of total points. Not really a solution.
  8. The current situation seems to be the result of a natural progress to me. The majority seems to like 2D more than 3D. To compete seriously in the 3D Rankings you need a good 980Ti + X99 with 5960X. So the Setup requires more than 2000€ which is obviously way above the average gaming PC. However, you need only about 600€ to compete in the 4 Core 2D ranking with a 6700K and Z170. The result is a low competition and activity in the X99+5960X+980Ti categories which is understandable. edit: Nice info PJ. So there is not even an issue atm. 3D still gives a lot of points.
  9. Would this help? http://forum.hwbot.org/showthread.php?t=129827
  10. Usually the temperature will be the limit and not the voltage. Everything up to 1.4 Volt is no problem from my testing but the CPUs will get quite hot at this voltage so delidding might be necessary.
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