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Everything posted by der8auer

  1. You should skip Cebit and come to Computex instead Will really miss the fun we had man!
  2. Will skip cebit this year again.
  3. What was the highest FSB you could reach?
  4. It happens if you overclock too high. Had it several times aswell.
  5. translated from women to men language.
  6. There is a lot of blah blah going on in this industry. As long as I don't get a logic explanation from one of the Intel engineers I won't belive anything
  7. Silicon is a semiconductor and therefore the resistance increases with a lower temperature. That's the reason why CPUs die at high volts and temperatures. At a certain temperature silicon turns from a semiconductor to a conductor with almost 100% conductivity -> short -> CPU is dead. I can't remember the exact temperature but it's somewhere between 150-200°C if I remember correctly. Don't forget that a CPU is not "made" of silicon. Silicon is just the base material which you use to create layers on top. A big part are traces which are made of copper and copper behaves the way you said. Lower temperature -> lower resistance. Transistors are made of silicon tho.
  8. Damed still one year left until I finished my studies Otherwise I'd consider to apply for this.
  9. I think there is no quick answer on this question and as long as somebody has worked at Intel and investigated this issue you can never be sure if the explanation is correct or not. I can only guess but I think the reason of a cold bug is related to the basic materials used and process parameters. Every generation has a different basic wafer in terms of silicon doping, different alloys deployed on top of it and so on. With a decreasing temperature the resistance of silicon is increasing. It could be that at a certain point some parts are just not working anymore.
  10. You can use almost every LN2 also for DICE. As long as they don't leak the acetone everything is fine.
  11. 65nm GPUs actually scale a lot more with temperature than with voltage. I only used about 1,4 Volt there: http://hwbot.org/submission/2238092_der8auer_3dmark05_geforce_gtx_280_45658_marks
  12. 3870X2 should have the Volterra 1165 or? Should be possible to use software like Awardfabrik Voltage Factory to change the voltage. Which Chill controller is on the 560 exactly?
  13. They both own one CPU each. The setups are completely different anyway.
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