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Everything posted by Matsglobetrotter

  1. Hi i have uploaded a lot of scores the last 60 hours. Normally scores refresh atleast every 24 hours. I am not considering the competition scores here as i know it might follow a different pattern. Meanwhile i see it is the same for other users including Elite so i am not alone but its not fun uploading with no change.. Regards,
  2. hi can you confirm no link is needed for the 3dmark06 as then i will stop uploading the same too :-)
  3. just to confirm are we allowed to turn off cores in this division :-)
  4. ? the rules does not specify which fields must be included Max clock/cache speed of 3803Mhz monitored by HWinfo32/64 readout (running in the background during the run) did i miss anything in my subs?
  5. Hi, Since i keep my hardware i keep re-running some old hardware or in the case of my 5960X the first one died before i even got dry ice so bought a used one. Now i have another G3258 that i am playing around with. On several occasions I have seen that i have empty slot when i look at my hardware pages. Thus it looks like i did not run or even submitted scores for benchmarks. Thus i run a bench and then upload only to then be told 0 points by the system as there is an old submission that suddenly appear also with 0 points and no ranking. when i then hit referesh i suddenly get hardware points back on my first submission that was made in 2014 as an example. It has happened to me now about 10 different times which is a bit annoying. Today i had this issue when running wprime1024.. managed to only get a score of 6.55 minutes or something only to find a hidden score of 6 mins 17 seconds that actually should have had a hardware point rating of 3 points. which it now do.. it does not matter which pages i look at in my profile i would never have found it unless i actually submitted a new score in the same bench. is there a solution to fix such?
  6. hmm seems im the only one who found a 5770 with just 512 MB and its not even in the database as separate card ...
  7. please delete this entry. I just found an entry from 2019 that is much higher but had for some reason not been given points before. now fixed
  8. Thanks for the tip ? yes that seems to be the issue. its as memory hungry as Y-cruncher on the higher levels. i never got it to run on win7 with the 9960x so i guess i need even more ram but worked out on win10 and got the right tweaks to get a better score.
  9. Great that solves a lot of issues:-) The rules are not clear yet to me. The Benchmate part only refer to AMD processors. Meanwhile the screenshot concerning Win8/10 clearly indicate that we can not. ms All Windows based released before Windows 8 See when Windows 8/10 based operating systems can be used Usage of BenchMate is mandatory for AMD users when using Win8/10 or newer.
  10. Are we now allowed to use the benchmate to for example upload results for the standard wprime or any other part of the package subs? or we still have to go back to win7
  11. I have a clean install of the latest version Windows 7. I can run the HEVC in absolute mode when using my 7640x. However when i put my 9960x in the same motherboard and dont change anything except Windows recognizing its a new processor and thus updates the basic core internals it impossible to run the same bencher in Absolute mode. If i do exactly the same change in Windows 10 then there is no issue. Is there thus either incompatibility with Win 7 and the 9960x processors or is there a specific trick to get it to work?
  12. is win 10 allowed for HEVC in competition?
  13. please delete this old entry/ problem fixed separately
  14. not sure what happened with the first png file in the verification shot as on my screen it shows correct meanwhile i uploaded it in jpg and seems to work better
  15. Thanks. yes this is one of them. then the mediaplayer needed itself seems to be version 9 which i cant see in the win7 packages and used to be a download from microsoft site but gone. *have so far found only fake download sites for it.
  16. Hi, Does anyone have the Mediaplayer 9 and the encoder PCMark04 is asking for especially the x64 version. I can see now that on Microsoft all such files are gone. Just trying to run some old hardware since we can seemingly get points on that benchmark.
  17. hi ndeed i posted the comment in wrong division but yes submission was in legacy 4 core and more
  18. my submission has been reported and blocked for not showing idle-load % of CPU meanwhile there is no such requirement mentioned in the rules.meanwhile leeghoofd chat message above dont mention such either.
  19. please delete this contest entry. Its WIN 10 and i just noticed my HPET was no on. I dont see no delete button for the entries.
  20. would suggest the easiest way to ensure it is 2020 scores used besides no cropped versions is to have a mandatory HWBOT 2020 background for all submissions that is not used in competitions. Then its very obvious it is this years submissions.it would be very easy to spot the "backup submissions". Meanwhile I would put a hard date on "backup submission" after which they are not admissible. Afterall 2020 scores should be .. 2020 made.
  21. ? Thanks, great tip i will try that also. It seems for these processors i can play on my chiller rather than continue on dice so will give me more time to play around.
  22. Thanks Leeghoofd. i only saw one mistake but there was 5 submissions with the same no score issue that was correct submissions. I am using a very slim-lined Win7 so not sure even benchmate will start. Anyway today it worked as i uploaded the same or new scores. suzuki, indeed benchmate is a good tool especially on win10 but not required on win7 as confirmed by Leeghoofd.
  23. thanks, yes it seem like it. anything i try after that just freezes. even .1 more on bclk locks up.
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