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Everything posted by Matsglobetrotter

  1. probably not the best way to motivate people to take action and uncalled for language
  2. the limit is 4800 in the challenger division. Great score though
  3. Posted request for support 17th. contacted bartx same day and equipment arrived today so superfast support and delivery 2 continents away? All arrived in good order and evap looks very professional so time to start building.
  4. Thanks Ozzie, Suzuki. Bartx had in store. So shipment on the way :-)
  5. I have Pc7 working on win7 (plain vanilla ultimate sp1), win8.1 win10 the last few weeks. Usually when it did not work its been one of the Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime stuff missing or corrupt. both original and new sysinfo has worked. I have not installed any MB chipset or other MB stuff
  6. meanwhile another question, is it ok for the competition to hide the subscores in PC7. If yes then effectively users who do so must untick the count for normal scores as it is not then compliant for normal points. in addition is it ok to hide the results on 3dmark bot during the competition only to reveal after. Just so its equal for all users
  7. have noted a bit of inconsistencies in the rules. most dont ask for CPUz1.93 or newer while this one does. consider it should be ok with 1.92 as listed for general 2020 subs but lets clarify. on a few it mentions GPUz for 3d but does not mention sensor screen meanwhile some divisions does.
  8. I keep coming up dry on finding companies that sells any evaporators. I dont have a machine shop though that would be fun to work on for this.
  9. does anyone have a schematic how a cascade unit is connected and could share? no worries found it ? though sad that on the sites where this is being discussed all the links to systems built seems to be dead.. thus there is no way to really trace the history in details just scattered pages.
  10. Leeghoofd, First of all a million thanks for all the continued support you are giving!!!! It sometimes feels as if you are the only and and for sure the front face of HWbot. I then understand there are a some people working behind the scenes but actually know very little about what happens behind the scenes. Now what i dont understand is I thought there was a complete management shift for the hwbot. All with the attempt to actually make it better and get away form parts of this basic management issue. OR this has not happened. From what we can see from the outside we are now back to where we were a year or so ago with timeouts 405 messages and so forth. Maybe its time we actually get some more insight from those who supposedly took over the bot and promised greener pastures for the community. With the issues this is what I believe still the one and only concise overclocking database worth the name with some checks and balances so we somehow can compare OC results.
  11. Normally the GPUs are programmed with a stepping table that can be 3, 5, 10, 15 or why not 21 Mhz. If you run the GPU optimizer software you would also notice it not increasing in 1 Mhz steps but in steps as they are programmed in the GPU Bios/firmware table. The easiest way to check it is starting up GPUz in the sensor tab and see what the GPU is really doing.
  12. Hi on the sub for geekbench5 it ask for a datafile? i saved the score file in GK5 but that seems to be wrong format. is it thus the cvs, html or txt format we need?
  13. is it just me or is Geekbench5 just buggy? I run it on 9900k down clocked for the challenger. Running plain Win 10 new install. with HW info or without. half the time the Bencher simply just closes after a minute or more. no indication of any error no nothing.. just closing.
  14. anyone got the story on the "cant open AsIO.sys (2)" when trying to use TurboV core in win XP. Im using the Win XP posted in this thread thus plain vanilla. I have tried the TurboV core version 1.05.03beta and 1.10.072. This both on standard bios and the OC bioses listed in the top post. (with or without ucode). Seem to be getting the same error in Win 7... The Tool works great but not covering BCLK which is a bummer when the OC bioses are locked to 100Mhz (tried higher but that always give 03 error when booting.) am sure its something simply but after 2 days;-) I still dont find it.
  15. My 2cents. This team cup has great amount of variety of challenges for DDR types which is great. But the amount of restrictions on CPU platforms/core count included and in combination with that GPUs is simply mind boggling. It alienates just about anyone except the 0.1% in HWbot. Ofcourse i can always take part in the Laptop DDR4 category. Then that teamcup is done and yes one submission on an X99 platform also. I think this is reflective of the amount of participation there seems to be, a few scattered subs her and there . This should not be called a team cup but the "obscure old farts remembering the old days cup" ;-) (mind you im not that young but this is too narrow.)
  16. Yes this is my Hyper X 1600 timing wise they work better than the geil and ripjaws i have on the DDR3
  17. I am using an XP image that works on the Asmedia 1061 SATA ports on the Z390 so that part i think is done. I have both Kabylake-x and Skylake X CPU. I have tried bios 1.21, 1.07, X03. no solution so far. Will give up on that for now but if anyone eventually find a solution please share ?
  18. Great Score. What is it you have poured on the Aqua MB.I am still looking for a good solution for my dry ice benching.
  19. Has anyone gotten a WinXP friendly bios for the EVGA X299 Dark? there are no hints on neither the EVGA site nor the xDevs for the same.
  20. I have had the weirdest issue on Heaven basic on the various runs i tried this week but i have not found the workaround yet. I At the beginning it has its difficult staggering as is normal but in the cases i see it simply start going negative in FPS and redo the same first 3 seconds of the run in endless loop. its the same as mentioned above in that if I actually started the heaven software itself it actually works.
  21. Completely agree that we need the different leagues. Yes its difficult to catch a Formula 1 team cheating or the continuous doping cases around the world but the fact is also that being able to compare with people who relatively have a similar setup actually helps build the interest in OC-ing. Noting on day one of a new processor release that all world records are broken by professional teams might have an interest for the core few who then have a target to try take down the next 2 months but it does not encourage the new or general mass of OCers. It probably just mean that their scores will be 0.01 of something never achievable. I joined and took part in the rookie roundups and still remember ending up 3rd place in what 2014. Atleast i could compete with people who had similar skill level. Now i keep checking what cooling the next guy up the rank has on each spot as i know if its LN2 then i have reached the max ( usually as i have taken down some of those too with my Dry ice.) This goes for any sport. The lightning Bolt might have a world record but he sure dont have the Swedish 100 meter record nor the county record or my old school record from grades 3 - 7. Some other guys have beaten those and that is perfectly ok as it was in similar circumstances, though now i am sure they have better surface on the track and shoes that does half the running for them ? and i cant call that cheating. The combination of leagues and competitions with frequency set as we have now is great. I use the competitions to see how close i can get to the real guru's in fine tweaking. Especially the ones that submit scores during the competition and not just the last few seconds help me improve my own scores in the competition first and then when i let my hardware loose separately on the chiller or dry ice I can hopefully improve my hardware scores and maybe a global or two after the new found learning in the process. Even more fun when some of the Guru's actually noticed the score and give words of encouragement before showing how its done ? that's what builds and refresh a community. When I cooled my computers with air and basic AIO its one set of limitations and cost and maybe even dunking the pump in ice water. This means rookies and enthusiasts can have fun also take part in the competitions if getting reasonable points for being 50% above the normal hardware settings and getting reasonably higher scores that is a great achievement. With the chiller down to +3 or so its another. I use this most of the time now but the electricity bill looks thereafter ? about 200 USD a month just for my computer stuff. With the dry ice at 70 USD for 20 kg which give me good fun on a weekend on Z390 platform or half that time on the X299 and i might be lucky and get a few 30 pointers here and there. I would have loved to go on LN2 but simple fact is it would be illegal to bring it in to the condo and am sure many others would face same restrictions around the globe. But yes i keep my hardware so maybe one day hehe when i move ill find a more conducive place for exactly that reason. Before that sorry no Formula 1 competing for me. Meanwhile its great that its a global reach on this OC community as so far i have not found any real community in Philippines nor Uganda and it seems the one in Sweden consists of RAUF and....
  22. Hi Maddmutt. i dont know what it is. I keep trying but fail on 4000 and 12 T1 for some reason on all MB's so i guess its the user hehe but if you can send me your other timings and voltages maybe i can test it out. Would love to maximize the efforts
  23. Simply love the Z390 Dark. First ever MB to simply apply XMP 4600 profile and it just works. No special bios. no voltage tweaks no nothing just. XMP and go. I still have several Asus boards including XI Extreme and Z390I gaming and a random selection of Maximus X but still first ever board to just work with 4600 Ram XMP. And indeed as marco.is.not.80 Mention. its a work of engineering art:-) Infact it would also boot XMP profile at 4800 Mhz also thus 200 Mhz higher than Ram spec without doing anything except raising clock. I found the same on the X299 Dark also. that means solid engineering:-)
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