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Everything posted by Massman

  1. Done!
  2. Done!
  3. Actually, we do care about that. That's why: - global rankings are split up in 1/2/3/4 categories - points are based on weight (single gpu = more competition = more points) - all leagues (except pro oc) are mostly based on hw points But, there are limits to how we can organise the leagues of course.
  4. Moved post from a frontpage news thread. Please don't start posting in other threads than this one. As Rbuass said, this is democratic and everyone can have their opinion. So does HWBOT and those against the idea of returning.
  5. FYI, more info on the OC show at Asrock: 4xCF ... should be interesting I guess.
  6. You have a google maps of the location ?
  7. Let's hope CeBIT will have WiFi. Or else we'll just meet each other at Gskill booth looking for free wifi
  8. Okay, so I assume you are 'Raul SDT' and the team is Criminal Cafe, right? So, I have to make you team captain. Should I also change your forum name so it matches your hwbot name?
  9. Both issues reported.
  10. Heh, only need a better place to store these
  11. Not if you also overclock those future components ...
  12. Even with the latest 0.5.9 version?
  13. So Smart!
  14. Surely that wasn't a UD9
  15. 'Line' is like 'whatsapp', but you can also make phone calls over wifi https://market.android.com/details?id=jp.naver.line.android My ID is 'pieterhwbot'
  16. So, how are we going to meet up or keep in touch? Anyone got the Line app installed on Android phone?
  17. Overclocking is the process of blue-screening until you get a score.
  18. Lol, if they agree on €0.4 per liter because advertising ...
  19. Nice testing! So, there's a (very) small noticeable gain. Not as much as HybridChiller pretended it was, but at least we now have some factual data on it. Just wondering ... will you test the card on LN2 any time?
  20. Furthest I went for a bench session was probably Finland; about 1400km and €400.
  21. ... and how much would you pay? Just a question that came to mind when checking out the posted for the Cambridge Big Freeze weekend. Let's say, the set-up is as follows: - one weekend - unlimited ln2 - 50~100 overclockers attending - pay own travel - pay own food - sleep on floor next to bench setup How far would you travel and how much would you pay for the trip. Unrelated to anything HWBOT has planned whatsoever at all ...
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