From the looks of it, Linde might be the best option. I just don't know if there's a discount plan that covers all Linde Group distributors. I reckon every distri probably has their own plan.
Well, we'll just have to wait and see what the reply is.
Last year, about 600 people used ln2 at hwbot. On average, I reckon most would get upto 1000L per year if the price is between €0.5 and €1.
I think there's leverage ...
If you are #2 in all 1xGPU benchmarks, you'll be top-3 in Pro OC (1117.6pts).
That's fair enough, I think. #1 and #2 both have shown skill with multi-gpu configs.
Fired an email to Linde as well. Don't really have a contact over there, so it might take a while.
Could you call up your contact maybe? Check if he might know the people I'd need to talk to?
Well, I haven't got any real details yet, just set the first meeting to see if something can be done about it.
- yes, would for all Linde group suppliers
- contract would have a minimum amount of LN2 required (volume needs to be high enough to justify better pricing)
We'll see ... first let's have the meeting .
How many people would be interested in signing up for an LN2 program that would rate LN2 at, let's say, €0.5 and LN2+dewar delivery at €1.
The more people who'd use that service, the higher the LN2 volume they sell, the lower we can push the price.
You say the best overclocker is the one with the best 1xCPU/1xGPU setup. Hwbot system says the best overclocker also has to master some multi-GPU setups.
You don't have to run 4-way to be top-5. You might have to show your skills with 2xGPUs. Which is fair, I think ... multi-gpu requires a slightly different skillset than only 1xGPU.
Some rediculous prices in here.
Maybe we (hwbot) should take the initiative contact one of these ln2 distributors and get them to lower prices if it's an HWBOT member .
That bracket across the SLI bridges doesn't only ruin the SLI connectivity, but it being elevated quite high above the PCB ruins the option to use the heatsink with a fat gpu pot.
Just checked the database.
- total amount of HW gold scores: 25470
- total amount of HW gold that gives >=49 points: 175
175/25470, that's less than 1%.
Why are we using upto 1.2VTT anyway on SB-E? I remember for regular SB, I never used that much VTT or VSA because it was highly unrecommended. What's different for SBE?
It's really strange. With regular SB and C1 SBE, I had no degradation whatsoever (even with 5800+ 26K), but with C2 ... no idea. Mind = blown.
How's your chip doing, Viss? Can you still run the same frequencies?
Ah, yes, saw that.
Any comment on the differences between the two methods? I assume the OCP mod through R4E is a lot easier to do? Does it also give better results (I saw the comment of OCP at 1660MHz) ?