Hey all,
So, everyone probably knows YoungPro is quite a good overclocker. He has beaten many record-holders in 01, PCMark05, SuperPI and so on. Not only did he beat overclockers, but he also managed to beat leukaemia. This is great, of course, although it sometimes is annoying he always wins in "who has the shittest life"-competitions. For some reason, 'had leukaemia' trumps 'stepped in dog poop' every time.
Anyways, he's taken it upon himself to participate in the world's greatest shave. A little explanation:
His sponsor page: http://my.leukaemiafoundation.org.au/personalPage.aspx?registrationID=420974&langPref=en-CA&Referrer=http%3a%2f%2fhwbot.org%2fforum%2fshowthread.php%3fp%3d154520
But, as we probably all agree, shaving hair is just too easy. So, I need your help convincing YoungPro to shave the logo of hwbot on his head instead! Kinda like this, but the hwbot logo instead.
I already donated $40 for research, who's in? All we need is a small donation and a shitload of private messages pressuring YP to shave the logo!