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Everything posted by Massman

  1. It's because the memory mhz is entered in the shader mhz field. Without memory mhz, the freq is not shown.
  2. - MSI X79A-GD65 8D --- V1.5b1: download This bios should fix the cold issues! I'll test this tonight - feel free to test and feedback yourself!
  3. With the X79-UD7, I found there were two settings related to memory bandwidth that had to be disabled rather than enabled to boost performance. It might be something like that. Not sure if I have a working A75 lying around to help figure out things, let me check.
  4. 1) You can press escape after GT4 and you won't run CPU tests 2) I added the verification links pro-forma (they give a little more security) I wouldn't mind not having links. So, unless someone screams "no way josé" we can just delete that limitation.
  5. Not that I know of. If I remember correctly, the very first release bioses had CPU-NB clock control. But, it's not really interesting to test them as they had plenty of other issues. Btw, if possible you should post screenshots here from the gigabyte and asrock board (if you still have them). I'm sure the folks at GBT will pick up on this ...
  6. Hm, Intel cpu database should have a better structure. Updated the limitation to subfamily level: - Pentium4 s423 - Pentium4 s478 - Pentium4 lga775 - Pentium 4 mobile
  7. MSI and Gigabyte will be in the reseller planet ... no big booth either. So, I suggest we all just hang out at Gskill booth for the entire week
  8. It is quite possible that your TPP decreases when you change team. TPP is based on 'best submission of team' and if you move to a team where members already posted a lot of scores better than yours, you will have less scores that are 'best of team'.
  9. Didn't they get rid of the option because you simply can't change the CPU-NB ratio? It's been a while since I ran Llano, though.
  10. -snip- see: http://hwbot.org/forum/showpost.php?p=152297&postcount=27
  11. Hm. Maybe we should just get rid of the verification link for 03 then?
  12. It should be possible to get a link with free versions too, no?
  13. No. Added it to the buglist.
  14. Heh, seems like the Radeon cards are not supposed to be approved Perhaps in April.
  15. Sure. Just hack the email. Ask Benchzowner for help .
  16. New team on the block: http://hwbot.org/team/hwbox_hellas_oc_team/
  17. can you mail the files to pieter@ hwbot.org
  18. Wait, Hondacity, does that mean I can't trademark the concept of "competition seasons" ? :-/
  19. http://hwbot.org/submission/2186050_massman_3dmark03_geforce_6600_gt_pci_e_14915_marks I ran 6600GT with Sandy Bridge too. There was a problem with getting the card to boot though. The fix was to change PCIe slots whenever the card wouldn't boot up again. So: 1) boot, all works fine 2) reboot and monitor stays blank 3) shut down, change pcie lane 4) boot up, should work fine again Sometimes I had to do this three or four times for the card to boot properly.
  20. There's no "overall" ranking for the HOC at the moment. They're all stand-alone competitions. However: http://hwbot.org/forum/showthread.php?t=37345. Mid 2012, we're changing to a more structured version of hwbot competitions. Team competitions in the style of the Country Cup and HOC, with start and end date. Seasons if you will .
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