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Everything posted by Massman

  1. Before we set up the sub-site I want to collect data/info/links/... Anyone who wants to work on this as well? I think we can get the ball rolling with a couple of people who have too much free time
  2. I haz h4ck sk1lzzz
  3. Is it just me or is 3DMark2000 a very cool benchmark? Looking at the rankings, it seems like the scores are really close
  4. Stage 1: Single VGA Heaven DX11-- GPU Stage 2: MaxxMem LGA1366 ------- MEM Stage 3: 3DMark03 IGP ------------ GPU Stage 4: SuperPI 32M LGA775------ CPU Stage 5: 3DMark01 un-LGA775'd---- GPU Stage 6: Reference Clock AMD------ Mainboard
  5. I didn't. My evil corporate friends did it for me
  6. That what you call 'messing around', I call 'optimising'
  7. Perhaps we should start to 'lock' user-team combos for a certain timeframe to prevent hopping.
  8. Sometimes things are not what they seem
  9. You'll see when the stage limitations appear
  10. Small bug in the code; should be fixed soon.
  11. Now you can also join the team, even if you submission doesn't help the score in a particular stage. Even if it was just to motivate the troops ... I don't understand how 'I contributed' outweighs 'I made our score worse and the team drop in the rankings'. I would even argue that contributing a score that hurts the team average is worse for the team-spirit and promotes the desire of the individual. Being at the side and supporting/cheering on/helping your team mates even if you don't get any personal gain out of it is, in my opinion, much more 'team spirit' than trying to get some credit for yourself (= submitting a score) and hurting the team by doing so.
  12. Ok, so it is 'more fun' to contribute and lower the country's score?
  13. This is making no sense at all; I'm completely lost in what you're trying to accomplish . As far as I understand, contributing to the country average is the most important thing even if it completely destroys the county average? It would be 'more fun'? What's so fun about contributing if you destroy the team's (country's) chances on winning?
  14. ? How is it motivating to know that if you delete your submission, the average would go up and the ranking of your country would be higher?
  15. If you take average per card, you just create an atmosphere of hate towards people who just join for fun. 1. 2000p 2. 1500p -- avg = 1750p 3. 1000p -- avg = 1500p 4. 750p -- avg = 1312,5 In other words: the moment someone submits a crap score, the entire average drops. Explain how this is good?
  16. So, it's always possible to find 3 people with different hardware?
  17. So, it's 'better' to have a competition where you need three people with GTX580?
  18. Hm. There seems to be some bug ...
  19. That means one person needs to motivate two other people to bench as well Correct!
  20. A team can't ask to get the results of a specific user. A user can, however, ask for his results and then join his/her favorite team to support it. In practice this means you have to ask for your results back and, given the underlying premise mentioned in post #13, are ought to respect HWBOT, the staff and its volunteers. We only require that respect here at the HWBOT forums or when using the HWBOT interface on the front-page. Behind our backs, you are of course free to be as rude and disrespectful as you can/want. In return, we will treat you with the same+1 respect you give us.
  21. Two PURE members asked the HWBOT staff if we could reinstate your results. Good thing WE asked for a personal note of you to verify there's indeed such a request. Well, I guess this is sorted then. Merry Christmas to you!
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