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Everything posted by Massman

  1. Check the example screenshots if you're not 100% sure about how to make a valid screenshot .
  2. 10% were not okay ... if someone has 4 scores out of 40 that are not okay we should ban them too? Let's stick to facts here: -Dual monitor = start bar issues -Vistamize = Active windows issue Which problems are next?
  3. Welcome to HWBot Dammizi! First of all, the screenshot is almost perfect, great! Only thing missing is the subtest details (just click on "Show details") and the screen will be 100% perfect. If you're not sure whether a screen is perfect, you can always check the screenshot example when submitting a score. For 3DMark01 it's this one: http://www.hwbot.org/img/examples/3Dmark%202001.jpg. Second, points will be added regardless of the score being verified or not. IF you're score is good enough of course . If you have more questions, don't hesitate to ask!
  4. Gradus: Of course we'll check them, all strange scores should have been deleted.
  5. Posting +1's will not change the way the HWBot crew deals with this situation. Or you keep posting "ban +1" and this thread gets closed, or we do it the well-fashioned way.
  6. Let's have a quick chat on MSN, Marc
  7. Good call, Cdawall, sometimes we make mistakes :-).
  8. Looks good, but how cheat-proof is it?
  9. Did a quick search and found the score: 3Dmark 2001 - 41056 marks - 5126mhz - 610/630mhz was blocked for the following reason: Need more verification (benchmark resolution), so not because of hardware sharing.
  10. The ban was for your reaction, George, I hope you understand that these forums are meant for HWBot-related topics only . I would not like it if you stopped submitting results, but if that's completely up to you to decide. Now, let's all return to our bench setups and start benching again instead of wasting energy when posting pointless stuff .
  11. That's the way I like it
  12. NO it's not. Maybe you should re-read the newsposts regarding hardware sharing ...
  13. Currently at 80-85% of the complete proces. The actual rules have been written down for 95% and the HWBoints enhancements (including team points system) are at 75% (needs lots of tweaking).
  14. Good to see you publically posting that you'll abuse HWBot to gain more points ... Saves us searching time . Why do people react like this? It's not because someone does it way A that everybody should do it way A. I'm currently benching for a top20 team and none of my team mates ever shared hardware just to raise in points. We sometimes bench together and use the motherboard and cpu of one person and the gpu of someone else, but solely to get a score as high as possible and of course to be able to just have a good time benching.
  15. Your comment just bought you some chillin' time. Regardless of your capabilities of benching and overclocking, you're still obliged to be friendly on these forums. Want to express your angry feelings? Do it in PM or via mail. Thank you.
  16. Excellent sum up, SF3D!
  17. Please report your findings here . Anyway, the only one who's absolutely sure is SF3D himself ...
  18. Don't think so . Try email or PM, by the way
  19. Happy birthday, I wish you many more years !!
  20. Solving it turns out to be not that easy as we've hoped, to be honest ... however, we're getting a lot closer now as the full set of rules regarding verification/block are 95% ready. This feature not working is a pain in the ass ... :-/
  21. The user should have recieved a mail with the explanation as moderators add one to the score when blocking a result. If you didn't recieve a mail, please let us know. Now, untill the new rules are anounced, hardware sharing is still forbidden. In addition, result sharing will ALWAYS be forbidden (nothing controversial afaik).
  22. Yes, I've noticed it. Will fire up E8500 + 9600GT lnĀ² rig pretty soon ...
  23. Answer: no. Case closed?
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