Sorry, Hipro, but I have the feeling that you're seeing HWBot as something to play around with whenever you feel like. The Greek community is so fucked up that every little disagreement is seen like it's a huge fight and I'm not willing to be a part of this fight.
You want to battle OOS? Do it in your local forums.
You want OOS to join your team? Create a new Greek team (GP&F OC-team?) and let everyone do what they want to do.
You want to battle OCX? Bench low-end GPU's and get hardware points which are added to you team's total.
We recieve about 50 reports a day and the only reports of Greek results are done by Greek benchers ... that's fucked up man. And the strange thing is ... most Greeks I talked with are fed up with this situation and want things to be solved asap.
And now I am going to relax as this is once again sucks all the energy out of me.
Okay, having looked around in both OOS and HOT's scores it struck me that not everyone is as honest as they say.
Look, I'm one of the most friendly guys in the crew. If it wasn't for my need to talk to people, most of these scores would already been blocked. Now I realised that certain people play with my feet to screw around on HWBot, so I'm going for less talking more doing. I ALWAYS give EVERY user the possibility to come clean and admit that he made a mistake. If a person is not willing to admit a mistake, I won't care about status/influence or anything else anymore. I want that all the effort I put in this to be for the people who are honest and just want to have fun benching, all the guys who are here to abuse HWBot are not welcome.
So, it's up to you. Who's willing to be honest, who's willing to play a fair game, who's willing to work on a healthy HWBot? Those who do not want to participate, PM me and you won't have to come again