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Everything posted by Noxinite

  1. I have thought about this recently too. However, it is difficult with large memory dividers as part of the fun is testing the different combinations to push your ram.
  2. But can we use version 1.7.7? Or does it have to be only 1.7.6?
  3. Ah 2%? Cool I could never get a screenshot for greater than 1600 DDR2 with two CPUz open. One was fine though, so I guess I have some more scores to upload.
  4. The XTU 742 score cap has been broken. Nice.
  5. I don't normally compete in the Old School comps, but I have 775 boards so I'll probably be in for 771 at least.
  6. First time with LN2 on CPU and also first time with LN2 on mems. I was running my potato i5 with Ripjaws 1600C7 (XED IC and ST PCB). Non-EK SF3D pot on CPU and Kingpin Dominator pot and heatsinks on mems (still only elastic bands for mounting!). Managed to get the 2600C6 profile working with 4/4/35/36 @2.15v (non-minimised) for 32M with wazza. Original run was at -90C on CPU and -140C on mems. Tried to up it to 2666C6 with looser RTLs of 36/37 as 35/36 wouldn't train, but it failed 3 times at loop 18 when trying different temps. (Tried -80C to -110C on CPU and -120C to -140C on mems). More volts didn't help and often caused it to fail booting. I was going to go back and run on a clean OS + try and tighten timings, but I'd wasted too much time trying to clock my potato i5 so the board gave out after 5 hours due to condensation. In conclusion LN2 is fun on CPU, but cold mems is much more fun due to the additional difficulty (and lower 32M times)! Next time I think I'll try to get some proper mounting hardware (or a new ram pot) and run CPU on phase so I don't waste time/Ln2 on it. Also, I need to try my better mems with KO-8117 pcb on cold at some point.
  7. I would like to remove points from this sub as I don't wish for it to contribute to my ranking, but it is part of a competition so I am unable to edit it. Noxinite`s XTU score: 1175 marks with a Core i5 4670K Thanks in advance!
  8. *EDIT* Also, the RTLs and IOLs are completely out of whack for 2600C8, should be 40/40 4/4 or similar.
  9. I have this pot too. Pretty heavy (2kg-ish) and works okay for dice - I have yet to test on LN2. Only problem is the large holes at the bottom make it difficult to go below -60C with dice. GLWS!
  10. GT1 fps way too high, is there stretched and/or black textures when you run it? (Also 13.9 drivers are slower than earlier ones).
  11. Nice! Got the hang of it now I see.
  12. Just a quick question, is this "4) Adding/removing points from benchmarks" referring to global points?
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