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Everything posted by Noxinite

  1. Nice! You started testing individual core strength yet?
  2. I'll probably have exams then.
  3. I'd love to come, but probably only if it's in the Summer. I'll want to bench some 775, Haswell, and Sempron.
  4. Having a UK event would be awesome as I have so many good 775 CPUs that need benching on cold! (I won't be moving teams though as I'm firmly entrenched on OCN).
  5. Yeah, I don't know if I can get much past 830.
  6. Awesome score! I have to rebench now...
  7. All 9 still living! Although they do develop a wierd bug of not booting below a certain voltage if you use them at 3v for too long.
  8. Very nice i5 you got there...
  9. Really nice! I wish I could sort out my driver issues...
  10. I think when I was running 5GHz on Z97 OCF a few weeks back I managed to get 5003 (bios setting) to stay at that freq or lower in OS (highest it went was 5003.36 I think). Turning off force OC and speedstep, but leaving on turbo boost or something. I didn't check how it fluctuated under load though. I would recheck now, but my OCF is half dead as the back PS2 and USB ports don't work.
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