There is the benefit of more competitors, but we could just use iGPUs for this Division as it is supposed to be the budget one and all of the CPUs available will have an iGPU.
For GPU efficiency challenges do you guys think there should be a cap on CPU clock, NB clock, GPU core clock and GPU mem clock? This would mean the efficiency lies in drivers, drives settings, extra software and RAM.
You could try fiddling with the VCCIN volts as some CPUs like lower/higher VCCIN and that then allows you to lower the CPU volts (I have a G3258 that hates anything above 2.04v for VCCIN).
Both of my Haswell CPUs (G3258 + 4670K) required ~1.35V to do 4.5GHz benchstable (XTU/cinebench), which is pretty average/on the low side. And for cache the G3258 required ~1.25 for 4.1GHz and did 4GHz @1.2v.
I doubt it's the iGPU if you aren't trying to OC it as well.
What motherboard are you using?