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Everything posted by GtiJason

  1. Intel AND AMD WR's on same day, I know these can't be found on USB
  2. Got into this XI game a bit late with an Apex. Been trying to figure out what bios work best with A0 pcb B Die. With so many to test and variables such as temperature I'm not getting far. That said, does anyone have a preferred bios for use with A0 pcb mems ? TIA ! EDIT only have 8700k if that matters
  3. This one has support for 9th gen cpu's. Simply rename to Creative.ROM 0094HT.ROM
  4. Yeah, this was pre CFL Refresh⁴. I'll check if I have newer one or try to make one for you when I can get to it
  5. Not sure if this is considered native, but I added HT to 0094 from AlexRo. Not very recent tho so doubt KF or KS works
  6. Mad Prop's Bro ! I have a .GHO but it's still not full eff ready to release to public
  7. Yep, there certainly are tradeoffs, I prefer to mod the mobo since I'm switching cpu's and mainboards a lot as in multiple times daily during binning or Comps using hardware I have ( 1 8700k + Coffee modded Z170 SOC Force LN2, MOCF and Apex IX + XI and a few Kaby K sku's ). Now that XP seems to work without performance penalty on Apex XI, I'll probably stick with 8700k in Apex XI and kaby's on Z170/270 but when ram binning is needed that may change. JustXOCthings FYI: No burnt pins yet here but I have not taken 8700k past SS temps but it's almost always on Phase when used
  8. You got USB ports to work in OS using this method ? I guess it has to either be done using Win 10 on 2nd rig since it fails when using the files copied from PCI E to USB 2.0 card to C drive
  9. You can beat him for certain. It's obvious that your eram IS working but your waza is not. Something must be off with the location of files or generic Run.bat that your drive is not set up for. Even running OCX SPi Tweaker you should cut 13+ seconds. If you need help you know where to find me on Skype
  10. Kinda says it all, OC Formula series keep going strong on 1150 and 1151 ! May not be the fanciest new tech but they just work and make working with them a pleasure
  11. So it works ? 7B is AHCI issue, these will help Forum - RE_ Coffee Lake Integrated Intel HD Graphics Memory Usage - 212.pdf AHCIDEMO.ZIP PSTools.zip storahciotto.rar storahcitxtsetup.zip
  12. Just wanted to share a few simple things I found while testing XP on Apex XI over the paste couple? days. Kinda all a blur, but exciting times. For anyone wondering you can do the Text>GUI (iso on ram) install using PCI to USB 2.0/3.0 (NEC) card so you can have extra files available right away The original files (USB ROOT) from Asus Impact VIII days (firahelper.ima.gz/firahelper64.ima.gz/grldr/menu.lst) work fine In RMPrepUSB I used "Fat32" and ticked the "Boot as HDD (C: 2PTNS)" box next to it Probably most important note was having to enable CSM (Compatiblity Support Module) in bios for "Legacy Boot" so USB stick would work as bootable. My usb sticks would not boot on APEX XI untill i switch uefi boot to 2nd option Here is pic from 1st boot while using pci to usb card
  13. I thought most benchers knew this has been possible for a while now. Here is the "0094" bios I modded to work on M9A XP w/ HT back in 2018 Creative.ROM
  14. I've been loosely following that forum and recently dl'd all the files I believe are needed and will give this a try sometime this week. Would be nice if @FireKillerGR happens to beat me too it tho. Anyways guys, let's do this and start some 32m shenanigans together ! Hope I won't need to switch from APEX XI to Dark board
  15. You can send my way, I'll work hard to get you top dollar ?
  16. Trolled hard by mikey lol. I couldn't even finish 1080p at 5g on lin with the "homies ho" cpu. I've got to be the worse overclocker ever ?
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