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Everything posted by GtiJason

  1. Great Job benching everyone, Amazing event thanks to Intel, HWBot (Roman) and especially Alby. Don't know how he does it, must have the patience of a saint ! edit: Can't leave out Mat from Benchmate, without his software we would probably need to hire an entire film crew to cover all 360 degrees of our bench setups with all camera's certifiably synched up to the atomic world clock. We appreciate you !
  2. Love to see this board do what it does best !
  3. 6800 1T with a 2021 APEX, whaaa! Or did you get a new one, either way strong start
  4. I tried so many versions of windows 10 and up until a week ago I was unable to even beat the ambient guys eff at 5.5g. LTSB 2016 and RS2 or RS5 got me close, I even spend around 10 hours to get ERAM 2.40 and 3.0 "working" but saw little to no difference. Custom versions like EVA and ReviOS were bad, Ghost Specture was ok when using 21H2. Using the basic waza.bat that runs wahaha! then D to C 1.9gb followed by wahaha! and closing explorer worked best for me but without any waza was a bad time. I also could not get good times at C13 (Usually around 4333-60) or CWL 13 at C14 and tested that it was actually stable on full OS. 1.4v SA and 1.5v TX at 1.7375v DRAM worked best for me and Dual Ranks and for some reason had stability issues with setings that worked easily on RKL such as tRCD, RP at 13 and tRAS under 24 and as low as 16. Round trip latency enabled gave 71 / 71 during ambient testing but somehow became 69 / 71 when cpu cold + Ram around 12C. Probably could have set offsets to 0 and max rtl to 69 at that point but didn't even notice till LN2 was on E edit: wanted to say this board has come a long way since launch, I actually preferred mem OC on the cheap MSI Pro-A bios 0707 was good for SR and 0812 / 0901 good for DR ok for SR but 4200-4266c14 was about as good as I could get with them
  5. Good job, always nice to see someone finally beat the previous best which was 8 1/3 years old
  6. OlOy Blade RGB kit with 4800c17 flat xmp ! Never seen this before I thought I had the best B-Die kits Chun Well Tech made. 4000c14 and 4400c16 flat
  7. Good job my friend, glad to see you at the Bot !
  8. Do you have bios 1304 with ucode 15 for axv512 support ? This is the one that works best for me so far I hate this new upload limit, I used to be able to share XP for Super Pi but now not even a bios file https://drive.google.com/file/d/1QfV-cLTmEb4h0m_JX5rTSlRZy5Ah7_2f/view?usp=sharing
  9. Hmm, 1101 bios is the first bios for the APEX that supports SLI. Have you tried any newer ones from Asus website directly ? I remember trying GTX 580's after Peter released the first bios over at OCN and I had no issues. I also believe I was on Win 7 when I tried. Maybe try the most recent Kepler driver for W7 473.62. I know they said 470 was going to be the final one but they have released and recommend this one https://www.nvidia.com/content/DriverDownload-March2009/confirmation.php?url=/Windows/473.62/473.62-desktop-win8-win7-64bit-international-whql.exe&lang=us&type=TITAN
  10. There must be others out there so let's bring this back up
  11. Was hoping to upload all the non-k bios I have for Skylake here to have in one central location but noticed we now have a 6 MB limit. Maybe we could get a little higher limit after say a 1 year probation of proper behavior ? 6 MB is only enough to upload 1/3 of 1 of these bios files. OK I found what I consider to be the next best thing. All of this work has been done by chinobino of Win-Raid big thanks to him Maybe a forum mod can download these and add them to the "Z170 BIOS, tools, facts, stats and list of mainboards" from Aug 5 2015 by Massman or similar thread Here is a list of available downloads and the link to get there SKYLAKE NON-K OC BIOS ASROCK NON-K OC BIOS ASROCK Fatal1ty B150 Gaming K4-Hyper (B150 chipset) ASROCK Fatal1ty E3V5 Performance Gaming-OC (C232 chipset) ASROCK Fatal1ty H170 Performance-Hyper (H170 chipset) ASROCK Z170 Extreme3 ASROCK Z170 Extreme4 ASROCK Z170 Extreme4+ ASROCK Z170 Extreme6 ASROCK Z170 Extreme6+ ASROCK Z170 Extreme7+ ASROCK Z170 Gaming K4 ASROCK Z170 Gaming K4-D3 ASROCK Z170 Gaming K6 ASROCK Z170 Gaming K6+ ASROCK Z170 Gaming-ITX-AC ASROCK Z170 OC Formula ASROCK Z170 Pro4 ASROCK Z170 Pro4-D3 ASROCK Z170 Pro4S ASROCK Z170 Professional Gaming i7 ASROCK Z170A-X1-3.1 ASROCK Z170M Extreme4 ASROCK Z170M Pro4 ASROCK Z170M Pro4S ASROCK Z170M-ITXac ASUS NON-K OC BIOS ASUS Maximus VIII Extreme ASUS Maximus VIII Formula ASUS Maximus VIII Gene ASUS Maximus VIII Hero ASUS Maximus VIII Hero Alpha ASUS Maximus VIII Impact ASUS Maximus VIII Ranger ASUS Z170-A ASUS Z170-Deluxe ASUS Z170-E ASUS Z170-K ASUS Z170-K D3 ASUS Z170M-PLUS ASUS Z170-P ASUS Z170-PRO-GAMING BIOSTAR NON-K OC BIOS BIOSTAR Gaming Z170T BIOSTAR Gaming Z170W BIOSTAR Gaming Z170X BIOSTAR Hi-Fi Z170Z5 EVGA NON-K OC BIOS EVGA Z170 Classified EVGA Z170 FTW EVGA Z170 Stinger GIGABYTE NON-K OC BIOS GIGABYTE Z170 G1.Sniper GIGABYTE Z170 Gaming K3 (Rev 1.0 & 1.1) GIGABYTE Z170-D3H GIGABYTE Z170-HD3 GIGABYTE Z170-HD3-DDR3 GIGABYTE Z170-HD3P GIGABYTE Z170M-D3H GIGABYTE Z170MX Gaming 5 GIGABYTE Z170N-WiFi (Rev 1.0 only) GIGABYTE Z170X Gaming 3 GIGABYTE Z170X Gaming 5 GIGABYTE Z170X Gaming 6 GIGABYTE Z170X Gaming 7 GIGABYTE Z170X Gaming G1 GIGABYTE Z170X Gaming GT GIGABYTE Z170X SOC Force GIGABYTE Z170XP-SLI GIGABYTE Z170X-UD3 GIGABYTE Z170X-UD5 GIGABYTE Z170X-UD5 TH MSI NON-K OC BIOS MSI Z170(A) KRAIT GAMING MSI Z170A GAMING M3 MSI Z170A GAMING M5 MSI Z170A GAMING M7 MSI Z170A GAMING M9 ACK MSI Z170A GAMING PRO MSI Z170A GAMING PRO CARBON MSI Z170A KRAIT GAMING 3X MSI Z170A KRAIT GAMING R6 SIEGE MSI Z170A PC MATE MSI Z170-A PRO MSI Z170A SLI PLUS MSI Z170A TOMAHAWK & TOMAHAWK AC MSI Z170A XPOWER GAMING TITANIUM MSI Z170A-G43 PLUS MSI Z170A-G45 GAMING MSI Z170I GAMING PRO AC MSI Z170M MORTAR
  12. So I have recently been hearing rumors about myself that I believe to be untrue I noticed that some have been connected with true statements I made from quite a while back in team private chat so that may be why they have gone unnoticed This is my attempt at addressing these concerns in an open and honest way not unlike what might have started this mess in the first place, open honest discussion that is. We will have to wait and see what the community thinks as a whole when this is all said and done. Until then sit back, grab a bag of popcorn and let's see where this goes Reading this not necessary to following along but it explains a bit about me ( tries to, quickly ) and how I ended up finding the OC community. Only a handful of my closest friends have heard this, that part I'm certain of That's enough about me, for those brave enough to read my wall of text shame I appreciate you. For those who did not I understand and respect your decision since time is our most valuable resource. Back to what this is all about. I have heard things from time to time, usually from teammates that are newer to the team but not necessarily the scene. The basic gist of it is I am a scammer who lies about things he bins and hardware he intends to sell for profit. Now the way I see this is if I have sold something to someone the only way I would know if they were unhappy about the sale is for them to tell me or to ask for a refund. I have obviously had discussion with people I have sold binned hardware to (mostly ddr3 psc or sammy) about the settings I used or other settings to try if their imc behaved differently or they were using a different kind of motherboard and on rare occasion them being unable to match the last 20MHz or needing 1.920v to finish 32m when I binned it for 1.890 - 1.900v. When that happens though I need to explain that not only are my cpu's binned for mem OC but so was the motherboard ( Z97 OCF ). I can remember what I recall to be the first time I sold a kit of binned ddr3 and in talking with the buyer he had a motherboard I would hardly consider acceptable for this kind of OC and his cpu was just 1 of 1 so completely random. I know I've told this story several times so for those who have heard it skip ahead but I bought 5 different motherboards and 3 different cpu's before I was able to boot 2666c8 psc with proper timings ie cwl=6 . I continued buying and testing boards and even had issues with a known great itx 2 dimm board and a hardly retail orange 2 dimm board was no walk in the park when compared to my beloved Z97 OC Formula. OK I'm getting off topic. What I am asking of you the community is if you have heard of anyone that feels cheated by a purchase they made please send them here, and if that person was you please join the discussion. Post a quick (or detailed) explanation of why you feel cheated and If myself or general concensus agree's I will send you a full refund via Paypal without the need to return the hardware since I sold things 2015 - 2021-ish and the hardware might be gone etc. Please keep this topic about me and only me, I'm sure many of us have had our share of issues over the years but I would like to keep this thread open for a good period of time to give everyone and anyone the chance to come forward and explain their case. Obviously if you have any info regarding the sale such as the For sale thread, private messages, public messages or Paypal receipts that would be helpful but not necessarily required. I do try to save important information and have an 8tb hard drive devoted specifically for all things OC / computer hardware. So it could come in handy if someone tries to pull a slinky and profit off this thread without warrant . I hope this makes sense, I tried to do it off the cuff so to speak as I believe that approach to be more genuine than someone who writes something that has been reviewed by friends and family, gone through several revisions, proof read looked at under a microscope ie too perfect and sterile to be from the heart. And on that note . . . Let the games begin !
  13. Yeah, looks like I won't be making my final subs. Lot's of fun anyways, good job fellow benchers
  14. What are the current rules when it comes to Manufacturer Binned hardware, specifically when it comes to using current gen products such as ram, cpu or motherboard ? I assume this forces you into the "Elite" class but are these allowed to be used outside of Open Division Leagues or Competitions and since the only hardware that really shows up as "ES" would be Intel Qualification Samples / Engineering Samples is there even a way to separate these out ?
  15. Technically my max core frequency was 5205.10 at 1.350v as stated by Benchmate The only thing that went over 5206 was the effective frequency which is due to efficiency
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