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Everything posted by GtiJason

  1. Kit 5 Dom P's the "2800 c9-12-12-21 1t twcl6 worked below 1,95v" test , are the 2nds/3rds timings like this Or more like these? Thats a pricey kit in general (for good reason) and to consider spending that much gotta know if it's a good investment Thanks mucho !
  2. That's what I thought at first as well and, I use your post showing +0.450v SA volts as reference to other guys having similar problems. I have experienced the ODT issue before on Giga,MSI and Asrock and this is really just more of an inconvenience
  3. GtiJason

    SS, Pots and dewar

    That's what it seems like when you talk to him, he sounds like he's not trying to screw anyone over and I tend to believe him. It's just frustrating because the only request I had is to be kept in the loop and that has not happened. If there really is a reason he can't communicate with the real world why not tell the person your currently doing business with and in debt to. I get that, but I also get that we both live in the US and we are lucky enough to be given basic rights, so even if he was in jail or something he could still contact me after a few days. Either way thank you to anyone who cares enough to post/help On a lighter note
  4. I have the same problem with my 4770k, though not as bad. Cold helps, but only when clocking mems alone. I figured it was my cpu, but have been able to do better on other boards. I think it partially has to do with io analog and digital volts needing to be very different from my 4690K, 4790K and es pentiums. The i5 and 7 devils canyon chips clock mems the highest, but the 3258's allow me to use less dram voltage. I have never really even ran the 4770K on air/water so haven't took the time to mess with them, but now I think I should. Especially since I have awesome mems and awesome cpu but just not together. Only bios I tried is 1.30 & 1.80 will try 1.12 as I have it somewhere
  5. GtiJason


    I guess it's still avoid Dimas at all costs
  6. One of OCXtreme's well known team members appears to be an unreliable seller. Nine days ago Dumo said he was sending an Impact VII out immediately and was very sorry for not sending out the Single Stage I paid for 4 weeks prior. I have a voice message saying he was going to have Splave and some teamates help pack and ship the SS. I told him it's all good as log as I'm kept in the loop and know what's going on. Here we are now 5 and a half weeks since payment was made and still nothing. Someone should talk to him soon before he gives what appears to be a very awesome team that I may join oneday a bad rep and it's well respected members since he's dropping names into our transaction EDIT: Received an Impact vii and good set of psc from Dumo today as an apology for delay. I've been told my Under-the-Ice Monsta SS will be shipped shortly. Again these items we sent free of charge so I think that says a lot about his charactor and that he means well. Thanks Dumo
  7. GtiJason

    SS, Pots and dewar

  8. SLASHING PRICES! bump bump
  9. Windows 10 is not allowed on Z97/1150 platform, only Z170 can bench everything on any OS. On Z97 you can run only 3dMark Firestrike with newer system info, XTU and GpuPi
  10. These are the only ones I've found.
  11. Geekbench 2 https://www.primatelabs.com/geekbench2/download/
  12. GtiJason

    Fluke / Amprobe

    Hmmm...mine does but it's a 52 GLWS
  13. ALL SOLD PLEASE CLOSE Thanks for the space hwbot Hello fellow benchers, I have decided to sell a few things and want them to go to good use and not rot away in a gaming rig at 1.5v. So I am exclusively listing here for now and items that don't find interest will go to Fleabay where other rejects were sold. I will add more as I find time, so if you're in the market for Golden PSC and Sammie ddr3 stay tuned Paypal only for now, buyer is responsible for fee's or free to use "Friends and Family" All testing done under same conditions (76-78F room AIO waercooling) unless otherwise noted. As always OC results can vary, but I will try my best to be transparent so you know just what you're getting. Shipping priced dependent upon services requested, USPS and UPS are preferred methods ONLY #5- PATRIOT SECTOR5 2400C9 DDR3 LEFT Last call for Patriots high bin PSC XEA/B, QUAD KIT (all 4) $75.00 USD #5- Patriot Sector 5 DDR3 2 X 2gb 2400 9-11-9 1.65v PSC ic's (Two kits) High bin psc, I have tested 8 sticks ambient and cold. Bought these as a backup to four other sticks I was using while learning how to bench sub zero. Have not had the time to test these, but if they are like the other 8 tested they should be quite good cold. Perfect for learning on ln2 as I have yet to find any with a CB and unlike some psc continue to scale with voltage. All have black 8117 pcb. If you are looking strictly for an ambient kit these do 2600c8-12-8 easy, but 2666 needs 1.92v and not waza stable. • Condition = Like New _____ • Price = $44.00/ea Sec5 Album http://imgur.com/a/jecoX #1- ASRock Z170 OC Formula (Price Drop) New open box, original board was rma'd due to unknown issue, just received what Asrock has told me to be a brand new board, with a new serial number. All accessories still sealed in original bags and board has original zip-ties and protective plastic • Condition = Pristine _____ • Price = $175.00 On Hold #2- Z97 XPower AC (Price Drop) New in box, bought 6 months ago or so when z97 OC boards were disappearing from retail. I only opened the box to test psc and sammy ram with new bios. If it was junk then would sell on Ebay where I'd probably make a couple dollars more. Results were better than expected with Samsung timings similar to others with a hair more vdimm. PSC performed rather admirably as I wasn't even sure it would do 2600/tCWL 7, but 2666c8-12-8 tCWL=6 was fairly easy. Only tradeoffs being slightly higher terts and +0.04v dimm give-or-take. Delid die guard cracked the first time I tried on another board so won't be included. Everything else appears to be there, all in original, sealed packages • Condition = Pristine _____ • Price = $169.00 Sold Link to ram test etc http://imgur.com/a/VkmxK #3- Z97 SOC Force New in box, bought around same time as xpower. Opened box to test for this sale and to update bios to X04, try X08. Board clocks ram great, very similar to it's 2 dimm brother but with 4dimm rtl's and very minimal additional voltage (+0.01) all accesories included in original packaging, and yes you get the famous 4 way sli support • Condition = Pristine _____ • Price = $167.50 Sold Album link http://imgur.com/a/ebAmD #4- Patriot Vipers DDR4 2 x 4gb 3400 16-18-18-36-1.35v Bought these from the famous "Websmile" himself. Only use was the day they arrived to make sure he didn't swap them with some old Micron from his secret mem drawer. Confirmed his screenshots and did a hair better on voltage. Not sure this particular bin was sold in the US, either way the Egg had similar. Paid $135 € just three months ago plus shipping from a far away land, check the album link... they can be yours for half that • Condition = Like New _____ • Price = $65.00 Sold Album link http://imgur.com/a/ajKMh #6- Corsair Dominator Platinum 4x4gb 2133 9-11-10 1.5v CMD16GX3MA2133C9 For some reason I was obsessed with finding a new set of v4.13 Dom P's. Love the way they look but obviously not wanting to spend a fortune of Hynix ic mems. Eventually found these and had them in my daily for a while. I did test the quality and while they are 2800c9 capable the best stick needs 2.05v and it gets worse from there. Best 2 should be stable around 2.10v, maybe higher so if your looking for bench kits I have 2860+ sub 2v kits coming soon. Great shape and perfect for a daily/gaming rig or custom build. 2933c9 boots just fine but never tested for stability nor do I care to • Condition = Clean _____ • Price = $109.00 Sold Album w/ screenies http://imgur.com/a/jBrhC COMING UP..... As many of you know I've gone a bit nutty binning ddr3 in search for the golden sample of PSC and Sammy ic based mems as well as hardware hoarding in general. Time to let some things go so I can focus on other OC aspects. In terms of my ddr3 collection all rejects are gone and only have the best of what I've found for what that's worth. I would say this amounts to 25-30% of what I purchased being worth keeping. I understand I will be taking substantial loss selling at this time but it's not right sitting here unused either. That said I will be keeping 2 or 3 kits of each for myself but these do not need to be the very very best if a fair and agreeable price is met. A couple kits I payed out the nose for so may be impossible to sell even for half of what I payed just 6 months ago. Only trying to be as transparent as possible , finding time to test is difficult and expensive because of my ln2costs and cooling both cpu and mems. I have yet to freeze SKL because of this Not really interested in trades, but will be looking to buy a good i3 6320 soon. Thanks for your time!
  14. GtiJason

    Fluke / Amprobe

    I have an Amprobe TMD-52 and must say I'm pleased with it's accuracy, for those who are unfamiliar with them they started in Long Island, NY and now reside in Washington. So no Chinese knockoffs here
  15. GO DJ, That's my DJ https://www.youtube.com/attribution_link?a=LPYx7zGyiLQ&u=%2Fwatch%3Fv%3De_l9wedO2D8%26feature%3Dshare
  16. That's a walk in the park for Miller Killer double snowmen, if only I had half the skills of an EE
  17. Wow, I've never been higher than 1.88v and never benched higher than 1.85v. I'm either lucky or my kits are ones that hate high volts, Im gonna stick with lucky
  18. You should be locking in them rtl's after initial training, your first stick is at 58 rtl and 15 iol where on Impact 4000/12 should be 49/50/6/6 or possibly even lower iol
  19. Good one George, well deserved 742!
  20. That is over $800 US of T.Grizz if using Splave-sized tubes, wowza !
  21. He sold that stuff a while ago, I have a good daily 4790K I'd consider selling. I do not think it is 24/7 5g stable at 1.33, though I always run cache high so it's possible Here it is at 4/8 50/50 on chilly water.
  22. WWF wrestling ring...very nice
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