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Everything posted by GtiJason

  1. GtiJason

    2 pieces 6700K

    Payment sent for no7 i7 6700k, thanks zwitt Please check PM for shipping address
  2. GtiJason

    Asus ROG OC panel

    I've been watching M7I for over 2 months and no price drops, I have M6I but Asus refurb and poor memory clocks
  3. I would love to know myself, I am using this with pencil mod http://www.overclock.net/t/1029715/sapphire-hd6450-gddr3-512mb-voltmods
  4. My delidded 4690k had warped so bad it wouldn't even post. I just used a makeshift jig and turned cpu upside down and very slowly heated it up with blow dryer and heat gun. Once straight I re-lidded with Kryonaut and lots of black silicone to keep IHS from separating from pcb and regain it's rigidity.
  5. I agree, this would be a privlidge to own, but I just can't come up more than about $450 right now and since Alex moved on to ddrQuattro I doubt he would be interested in psc mems plus cash
  6. GtiJason

    [FS] Good 4790K

    Nice cpu, what input voltages are you running at 4900 and 5250?
  7. For me, as long as I'm logged in it shows all five stages andmy rank in each as well as what points I need to move up a spot. Gotta be logged in though
  8. Nvidia Inspector is a must have for driver tweaks, and allows voltage tweaks, also get bios tweaker and nv flash to get up o about 1.3v
  9. I use MSI Afterburner, but EVGA Precision X v.4.21 works
  10. I have Vietnam 4790k and 4690k, both strong on cold water but dont scale like my 4770k when froze. The Vietnam chips seem to hit a wall around 55 to 57, even without ht on i7 or 2core 2thread.....still nice though since im a novice and the imc is good if idle around 15C or less. Raules i5 seems to be a top example, mine is new batch X507C093
  11. Never saw this you should of posted on my wall, this is the guide I followed http://www.overclock.net/t/1517316/extract-and-flash-gtx-970-and-980-firmware-zosons-h2o-and-air-custom-bios
  12. Nice kit, but I have some sammies on the way good for 2933 tight at 2.22v and already have another quad kit that does 2870, untested yet for 2933. I spent way too much on high bin psc kits in the last 30 days too, so I will be selling soon myself
  13. That's what Intel Tuning Plan is good for, exchanged my 10 mo. old crappy i5 Malaysia for a vietnamese batch# X507C093.
  14. I would, but spent about $1300 in last 30 days on Samsung and psc IC's and with little free time I am only about 1/2 way through air binning and 25% with the psc on Lin Oh and btw those are great prices I don't know why a rookie or novice could say no. If I had no good sammies I would snatch all of them, in fact if I can free up some money I might try to buy a set : )
  15. Thats a big jump in score for Heaven, pretty amazing GJ Splave
  16. What's up with that levitating Thermal Grizzly cap in the pic with the indium on the die premelt?
  17. got mei driver here http://www.overclock.net/t/1490835/the-gigabyte-z97x-overclocking-guide xp 32 bit works best, for 64 you need a driver streamlined into iso somehow, just use ide worse case burn a cd and use ide works everytime
  18. yumi does work, and the os iso is from perica baril http://forum.hwbot.org/showthread.php?t=124735
  19. Just ordered two on friday, this is the best deal I could find, maybe find slightly better for 5pk. http://www.ebay.com/itm/x1-ANTI-STATIC-DIMM-Memory-tray-container-for-50PC-Server-Desktop-DDR1-DDR2-DDR3-/321847232004? FREE BUMP....Sorry to threadjack, but I have a feeling The Purge™ will be at the top of our sale page on its own for a while
  20. I just bought it a few days ago, and only because it was $79 on evga b stock. Its not ftw its sc+ version and that was full stock run with cpu downclocked to 40x core and uncore. I will be taking it apart soon though because with a little attention to detail you can rebuild better and gain some speed and gain a little headroom on the heat. Not sure why I'm telling you this though since it is what you do
  21. i5 4690K Batch# L418C218 Malasia Delidded CLU on die HS re installed w/ Black RTV Silicone, pre delid 5000mhz a no go on Water VID = 1.112V 4500 = 1.250vCore 45xCache = 1.285vRing 4900 = 1.395vCore 5000 = 1.428vCore 49xCache = 1.435vRing VCCIN = 1.550 IMC: CPU on Water, Mems Air Samsung 2800c9 tWCL:6 // SA V= +0.250 // IO A= +0.100 // IO D= +0.150-0.170V PowerChip PSC XE, 2700c8 tWCL:6 // SA V= +0.300-0.365 // IO A= +0.150 // IO D= +0.200 Elpida BDBG 2600c8 tWCL:6 // same as PSC Just received: i5 4690K Batch# X507C093 Vietnam Will update after install also will add 4790K Batch# X439B458 Vietnam info and G3258 Batch# 3420B909 Costa Rica
  22. Payment sent 8/25/15 for 3) Patriot Sector 5 2x2 GB PSC 2400 C9 thx again sharon
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