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Everything posted by Pulse88

  1. Pulse88


    My 1k euro have been tied up in 1 year. NO UNIT NO REFUND yet. Even if you dont care a shit, some of us do ,that have been tricked by Dimastech. Think its not helping other Hwbot members to make this thread a trade thread for dimastech when the reason for this thread was severe problems between Users,hwbotstaff to the (Theif) company Dimastech. Think i may post some emails between me and the company, then some of you wont spend a dime to this company ever. Think its time we start helping fellow Hwbot members to understand this company is not to be trusted in any way.... God knows have many people that have been tricked of this company it is `many` more than me Rosty or George... Thats for sure. I am not trying to point out some of you but it is sad that some of you may be tricked or take the chance to be tricked even now after the whole circus around Dimastech in year 2015.
  2. Oh man i think its Christmas on Hwbot sales section this week. Alot of good things for cheap price.
  3. Thanks guys. Must say cascade is fun, Now i can compete better then with SS.
  4. decent, but maybe not best for cascade
  5. you have a deal on the formula Nick
  6. Pulse88


    Still waiting for my 1000 euro... For a cascade build. Nearly a year ago since i paid them. And no money back yet....
  7. My Delid die mate just got home. This tool is a gift to the oc cummunity. Oh man what a quality tool. Worth evry Euro. German enginering at the best.
  8. I leave this here. No one more should be tricked in this forum of this guy... http://forum.hwbot.org/showthread.php?t=121289 Hope this help
  9. To be honest i dont think Hwbots intention with these teamcup/countrycup comps evry year its not to have people bashing eatch other about cheating. I Think the reason of these comps to bring team members/ coutry members together as freinds and in the same time get them to learn of eatch other and have some fun. The countrys/teams in the top is the teams who done the team spirit the best. Congrats to all for a god and fun Countrycup.
  10. Well done Ruaf congratz to extrem number 1
  11. i take number 2 if its still for sale
  12. Pulse88


    My guess it is with 10 years delivery time. After a year they will pay back your money if ever.... You as buyer are there *loans* as it is now. Dimas have likly some economic problems... I for one can not se any other explanation of ther behavior latly to the buyers. Sad to se more are affected then me and Rosty. They have not payed back me 1k Euro think Rosty Still have not got all hes money either after a half year of waiting. So my advice dont ever buy from Dimastech. I have email konversation over the whole year saved that are horrible to read. I may use it later if this is not get solved in the right way. I think Hwbot members must be warn in other way then this thread. Not evryone reads in this part of forum or on forum at all.
  13. Yes it is Rauf. Now when i have got motherboard to work again i will rerun this card. Was only runing x8 pci speed under all results with it. Running x16 will likely increse the reults.
  14. Thanks Rauf No it is a Goc Ln2 edition card with god samsung mems.
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