I think hwbot would be much better off if it had an "Elite FAQ" linked on the front page. Seriously, there are so many being pissed off by their misconceptions of what it means to be "elite"...
Regarding the ES results dominating the ranking... does it matter if CPU-Z show ES or not? You think vendors don't have access to retail CPUs?... Even if you ban ES, it will still be the same people submitting more or less the same scores...
One thing that is relevant though, but has not been discussed is 7740X ES. Kaby-X ES batches have superior scaling on cold. And many top scores are also done on helium. It seems likely that we will not see a CPU that can beat these ES scores for a long time. We are talking about the most popular categories to bench here: 4C cpus and legacy benchmarks. That is a sad development... One option would be to remove all ES scores from those few categories where retail can't compete with ES. Another option would be to always remove all ES scores 1-2 months after launch.