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Everything posted by websmile

  1. NO ES, please, I will ask this again internally, but we normally do not allow engineering samples for competitions apart from pro oc cup, if we allow them it is usally explicitly mentioned
  2. What I say is that highend memory on a board that cannot handle it is dead money. On a board like the OCF (which is not my favourite btw) or an impact these will give you top results, I cannot judge the socf but did see nothing that really impressed me in terms of memory clocking - this is a question GB experts can answer much better P.S. On B-die, these are for sure dominant now, but have three major problems, first they are expensive, second they have problems with x64 OS when they run at high frequency and tight timings at some benchmarks, and third point is that quality varies big time. What you do with he 4000c19 and if B-die is better for the benches you or Marquzz do, this is something I can´t judge.
  3. Samsung are only better than Hynix when you can use their biggest strength, higher frequency at quite tight timimgs. What comes on top, some mainboards are a lot weaker with 2 sticks when these are single sided than with 4 sticks or 2 dual sided sticks. So if you can´t use 4 samsung sticks or get higher frequecy at decent timings, or find another way and settings that compensate the problem, your result will not improve on the gskills, and they are indeed worthless for you for stuff like xtu
  4. We are currently doing some work at leagues and database, he is not the only one at the moment with this status and ranking that is unclear. Please wait a while, this will be fixed as soon as work on this is finished, I ask for some patience on this, please, work in progress
  5. websmile

    Enthusiast league

    Announcement will come soon, not much more to say atm, it is better to wait for this than me spreading incomplete information
  6. websmile

    Enthusiast league

    The problem is caused by the introduction of a new league that is planned due to lots of requests to make rankings more transparent and more just for people. It might be annoying now, because the implementation is not that easy, but it will be progress, so I ask for patience and kindness on this, it will be a good surplus to hwbot in the end . We are simply a bit too fast at database work with this now so EL is a bit messed up and some people have a "floating" league status, it will be fixed asap
  7. websmile

    Enthusiast league

    There are still some problems, I checked profiles, some people seem to have lost league rank at wall, and similar stuff. Will make an internal task to check this
  8. websmile

    Enthusiast league

    Hmm, have you cleaned browser cache? I had same ranking you show 30 minutes ago, but now all is back to normal
  9. websmile

    Enthusiast league

    As far as I can judge this was a temporary issue that has already been fixed fast or normalized
  10. Bugged vcore readout is not uncommon, no cheat accusations please, I checked the score and result is valid.
  11. Now the platform is off for me completely, let´s see what happens, seems people are already at work Our chief technician is already at it
  12. The restrictions are clear, CPU 423 and geforce 2 and 423 CPU and RD Ram - you can use adapters because mainboards are not limited, we handle this the same way at div VII challenger, but S478 or other socket cpus are not allowed. I am not sure it is possible to use 423 CPU at other board with adapter tbh, but in theory it can be done
  13. I will judge by GPUZ, anything else is not my business - we all want clear rules to make things easy for contestants and mods, exceptions always lead to people complain at future contests and say "something similar was allowed there, and why isn´t it allowed now?". If I see a Geforce 2 at valid GPUZ with technical data proving it is geforce two by specs, I am happy
  14. The card has same Core and mems and different BIOS, yes. I thought about allowing it, but rules are formulated clearly and depend on series and not core model
  15. Check if you use a am3 wrapper version that is still up to date, if you think it is a technical issue, send the file with version of wrapper and information about the system and OS to Christian Ney, I see that results already were submitted, so it might be a problem of your confuguration or a temporary issue
  16. The rules are clear, it is not defined by Core (NV15) but Geforce 2 is asked for. Professional cards are no part of this line up. I hate to say this, but when we want to stay with current restrictions on hardware, the Quadro is not allowed
  17. Please refer to the general benchmark rules, these are valid also for competitions http://hwbot.org/benchmarks In general, win8 and 10 are only allowed for skylake and for 3ds with restrictions listed at rules for each benchmark seperately http://hwbot.org/article/general_rules
  18. 14 kits so far, all gskill, one doa, two failed specs, one died after a couple of weeks, two failed 3600 12-12, one failed 3866 12-12, other seven still alive, 3866 12-12 worked and 4K 12-12 32m xp on four or five of these. In fact biggest money burn ever at average european price of 200 euros plus shipping, I have four kits on the road and then I will either wait for other vendors with better quality control or skip ddr4 binning, I have a good overview now and I am really tired of binning overprized crap
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