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Everything posted by SoF

  1. 3770K E0 ES = 3870K like one year later 980X A0 = 990X... sounds plausible mythbusters
  2. Yeah cards tend to go hot and spicy when squeezed in 3 and 4-way on air - often loosed some points myself in certain benches. the vantage und UH DX11 looks very tasty anyway good job!
  3. Nice, quick move! Driver seems to be slow for old benches but looks good in new ones
  4. SoF

    Lucky ?

    nice! and I thought such times on ebay were over
  5. You just made a lot red guys cry :D AWESOME WORK!
  6. uh yeah, we will have some fun with 32m I think I hoped for something from ASUS with OC key on 1155 with Ivy-launch It was awesome and maybe the most fun part of X79 benching...
  7. +1 - I'm not UK female-contest?
  8. Loop 6 needs to be sub 1min 17s Can't wait anymore...still 4 weeks here aaaaargh...
  9. nice - another part of oc gets more interesting again...RAM lists will get some updates soon
  10. very interesting info! it seems like benching will continue without MVP - it just keeps things more simple...it's already complicated enough. @rbuass relax, I highly doubt a software from Lucid will ever make it into the world of overclocking...they will always fail after a look into how (good) it works...
  11. Z-Culling only removes rendering objects which are covered by ANOTHER rendering object. The primary object (e.g. a stone) will always be there, just maybe a butterfly behind that stone wouldn't be rendered anymore. It is a very practical technique which only optimizes ("tweaks") the rendering process. thus way different from MVP imo. @christian I know, you told me on cebit
  12. You need to find the last mistake in everything, don't you?! keep your "signature-collection" updated" oh and here is my "the small-printed" safety-guard I can't live without you too I bet richie will agree You don't wanna challenge me in skipping FPS with 03 blackscreen bug - maybe Andre has some backups in that category on very old hdd
  13. What every overclocker, bencher and gamer is used to be... What (lucid) marketing says... What FM says... What gamers expect... What hwbot says... What I (and est. 99.9% users currently) know actually... What I speculate on hwbot... PS: WHILE FPS ALWAYS STANDS FOR COMPLETELY / FULLY RENDERED FRAMES, WHICH INDICATES TRUE PERFORMANCE OF A GPU IN 3D Insert opinion here: regards SoF
  14. interstesting - but I highly doubt it is that way because you can't simply split and "re-puzzle" an image that fast considering the boosts of mvp. if that would be so easy mvp would work better on 2 dedicated gpus. one GPU to render actual image, one to decide for the parts that don't need to be recalculated. The way it makes things CPU-related in 03 gives me a headache to understand... Currently there is one main issue to me: 1 card air + MVP = WR 03 = benchmark useless
  15. let's hope there is just something hidden (like with internal pll overvoltage option on sb) in the new stepping that is intentended to prevent more crazy leaked scores. you need to register online soon to unlock your cpu if things continue like these
  16. ...when you make sure massman sits comfortable
  17. wooooot!

    danish dynamite to blow at 4th aocm - I smell it already, hehe :D

  18. FAIL?! When you are married or in a long-term relationship there is no bad consequence in this. you can still **** all day long, bench all night long...so why you should have benched too much?
  19. that efficency is scary! I had a hard time passing 19k with 3 cards on 70 MHZ more CPU and 30 MHZ more on the GPUs ... need to learn 3dm11 tweaking
  20. Thanks guys - I will choose the best one and print a group photo in 120cm width...whenever I see you guys again, I have a lil' present then
  21. Great show, great pics! Can you send me the group picture in full resolution?
  22. So it is nvidia with PhysX vs. AMD without tesslation - let's get it on
  23. THX! I'm gonna print some of the best pictures in x(x)l - 1.2m width max. ... pm me if you wanna pimp your bench-room-wall with the "stummerwinterfacepalm@massman" or not allowed public "flankn3yr@cebit" poster! all donations excluding paper + ink costs will go to hwbot ofc
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