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Everything posted by SoF

  1. Really awesome eff boris! must be the best I have seen so far in high-mhz "single 3770K-core" 1m!
  2. seems to have good eff but will bluescreen after few loops :(

  3. ...had to smile about one little CPUz-Link yesterday... 6982 MHZ done in "Taiwany" or "Germanistan" Tells us 3 things: 1. Give Suicidephoenix a good chip and he takes it to the max! Great work Jan! 2. CPU-mafia still has some very nice spare-ES! 3. ASRock will soon claim some 7 GHZ on their "NEW OC FORMULA BOARD"... ...just sandbagged a bit longer than ASUS and Gigabyte PS: oh and maybe the board isn't too shabby either
  4. unfortunatly it is one week after my holiday so no SoF also :/

  5. Here is the video of this run...
  6. killer efficiency! can't get even close to you 5 gig on air...I must do it wrong ^^
  7. Bored to death by no LN2 and 32m handicap (just can't get that crazy eff ^^) only hardcore binners understand that one...
  8. Saved my day Roman! Thanks man! I reinstalled my XP some days ago and was wondering about the booting-issues. Almost went nuts, never had issues on my old installations before. ngen -update works just fine.
  9. Yeah, thanks again for the hint! For many old benches 1x or 2x is more effective but I am not sure what happens to 3DM03 past 6500 Also there are still categories in the bot for 3x so let's give them a nice bump with IB
  10. That was a VERY helpfull trick - running perfectly now http://www.awardfabrik.de/images/stories/sof_oc_stories/3x_gpu_vantage_46346.JPG
  11. Hi, I spent 2 days messing around with 3x 580 GTX but no way to enable Tri-Way Sli in the drivers... CPU: 3770K Board: Asus Maximus V Formula RAM: G.Skill Ripjaws OS: Win 7 64bit, 32bit, Vista 32 bit Driver: 285, 295, 301 DAWHQ(F)LUCK Just show me some board with space enough that is working - I'm on it ^^ Wanna sandwich my 580 ref between matrix...so 3 slots for 1st card, 2 for snd, and 3rd card don't give a damn... Btw: Manual of the Formula only mentions SLI-config but 3-Way CFX...strange EDIT: List of Z77 mainboard with undocumented feature of 3x SLI by HyperSli Asus Maximus V Formula ASRock Z77 Fatality Pro
  12. 344k vs. 396k does sound a lot like no 64 bit exe vs. wrapper required exe with that patch. does have a HUGE impact on scores not to allow the non-patched old executable...
  13. Overclocker's language: I have a good all day CPU for sale! Means: Clocks like sh1t under LN2! Overclocker's language: Doesn't like voltage that much. Means: Killed another IB at 1.9V Overclocker's language: Good chip on air and water. Means: F(l)ucking CB/B on LN2 Marketing's language: Marketing's language: IB WR broken by mfc XYZ! Means: Here are some backups from last year ES -.- Marketing's language: DDR2600+ Z77 motherboard!!! Means: Go find yourself a chip with a nice IMC to show people that board actually works there.
  14. Pretty easy to detect...with a little bench (below 9.5s I guess...)
  15. well that maybe explains why I had only bluescreens while testing 7970 CF some days ago...hated the cards, went back to 580 ^^
  16. I think I know where "her" limits are...1.800V all fine...not good for wprime / 06 like the other one :( Well I intended this to be boris' rma-cpu I still owe him one D-O-A
  17. As "usual": the one before was probably better But I have 2 new ones and hope to keep this up...need to work on my eff / specially RAM for the future... ...just wanted to proof myself able to hit some CPU-MHZ (without killing CPU) 1.8V will be common in the future I think. 145k 01 with this one also
  18. noooo it's weak CPUs...benching 1.8V only now and see WTF?! (or ranking bugged?!) (2nd CPU survived 2 LN2 runs today but bugged VERY heavy past 1.83V...2nd run with 1.8V flat max was very smooth...)
  19. Haha "00" sometimes after high voltage and bios reset, sometimes during bclk change (happened to me some minutes ago), sometimes CPU dead... ...always an adrenaline kick when testing the CPU on air the next time...mine is alive (this time), hope yours as well! Very nice time and eff, just got 10.86 ~6680ish but damn CPUz froze during opening
  20. Yeah from time to time I don't get a direct replacement but simply my money back - it's on the dealer / supplier sometimes.
  21. Nailed it! 03 2x is pretty sick on Ivy - great run! byebye 03 as a 3x or 4x benchmark
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