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Everything posted by SoF

  1. any countries were retails have not been widely spread yet?
  2. ...2 hours under cascade - my "worst" chip and I got bored during release much more valuable information collected here...
  3. I know but even if I wanted to - would take me at least a year to get a similar system together. Systems can be special in many ways - yours is just so uncommon in private sector it's still nice to see - and I read you are waiting for something that CAN overclock - it shows that you are not giving up here just because you have a golden medal. It shows you really want to know what's possible on these babies.
  4. who ever said "you can't teach an old dog new tricks" ?! Looks like you proof everybody wrong on that Dave Congratulations for your well deserved top-spot in that wprime ranking!
  5. very nice one! a well-tweaked SB run can still give you a hard time on Ivy + cascade
  6. 95W - ALL! I am not sure yet if some very cherry chips might hit 6.7-6.8 when they are good and cold and handled well. 7 gig....puhhh.... also 2D and 3D - looks again a bit different, it's not like you are running your highest clock vantage stable anymore...
  7. I can't stand it anymore - had to leak a first "impression"... IVYINVADERS @AwardFabrik... @dinos yes preeeetty sure - my grandmother is from poland, one of my grandpas left to england during WWII (a brave man, remember me to tell his story while having a beer ) that is the farest point in my family-history I am aware of
  8. Well I think such a pic can't harm anyone and after that ugly opening I might want to keep readers here
  9. there are things that should not be public - specially when it comes to prices within' distribution channels. I know that might sound a bit odd to end-users but imagine what the usual hw-stores now can make out of it...
  10. Preparing reliable information on retails...can't judge out of one or two...
  11. funny how you mix up "discussing" with "whining" and "complaining". Anyway somehow you didn't get the point, mixed it up with retail things, so no need to take this any further...
  12. fits here? maybe new "hwbexclusive"-template?
  13. I am tired of all this ES-madness...whatever "pro" you are - always keep in mind it will be RETAIL we (should) make competition (of any kind) with. So I have cleaned my bench-place, ES-free and waiting for retail now... My gf found some space for some easter decoration also You ask why this deserves a topic? Wait until NDA fall...I will make a first conclusion about what "IVY" does mean for (extreme)overclockers then...
  14. My current "wall of (oc)pain" before IVY will smash up the place and I need to buy some nails
  15. If I ever buy a car for LN2 transportation - it will be something like that!
  16. thanks for the detailed test! that confirms me I bought the wrong card for benching ^^
  17. Totally right - imo there was no way for hwbot to ban "tesslation tweak" except inhuman workload... ...if you feel different, just spent 2500€ / month to hwbot to pay a "full-time-result-moderator"...they might think about it then. "where there is a will, there is a way"
  18. Happy Birthday! @leeghoofd you recieved your gift I heard - c'mon show us the new poster above your bed already! :D
  19. Awesome! But that TRFC doesn't look sexy
  20. After the "A0-fiasco" it is a legit point to speak about the ban of some certain ES that tend to yield way better MHZ than any other CPU. On Ivy it might be "under testing" for now but if it shows to be the same - I am seriously thinking about ruling out certain ES steppings for points at all... ...at some point people should be "pro-enough" to enter their scores on unavailable hardware without points... ...just my 2 penny...
  21. as soon as a 1155 board supports oc-key I am in - for now it only seems to be available on X79... to re-activate RoG-connect is a more possible scenario for it
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