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Everything posted by SoF

  1. I always liked raw clocks more than optimizing - I always take my hats of when I see guys bringing awesome performance per clock but I don't have time for that mostly I know there is no excuse for my incompetence (uh I must sig that someday as well as albrecht mwhahaha)
  2. OK that breaks it down to: if user changes team wait XXX days until [button-edit team]=shown in usercp haha i am the most epic fail programmer ever -.- I couldn't even make "hello world"
  3. That somehow doesn't make sense for me. When you decide to leave a team without joining a new one you'll be bound to "teamless" according to the new rule. I think that is what you mean?
  4. That would be a start. People would think before joining a team a bit longer. We just had the same situation when some guys came (they didn't had many points but that doesn't matter here) and left just few days later. It confused the team and it wasn't helpfull at all. we would have preferred thoose guys not to join the team at all. but how long is reasonable? 6 month? 12 month? I know some of the ongoing things lately have been planned longer so for some things it won't help at all but to prevent some short-timed jumpings it could help
  5. took me like 1 hour getting used to it and 6-7 hours straight pre-testing all CPUs....got the impression overclocking never had been so easy before at some point. no messing around with baseclock anymore cuts off quite some trouble.
  6. I thought about that kinda ranking (as in e.g. F@H it is exactly that way) and somehow liked that idea. some "heavyweights" seem to have fun pushing any team up and down with their continues movings (have seen people changing for like 4 or 5 times during the last years). In the end yes, you can only blame the users for moves like that... ...but after all thoose years you should have remarked we are all having fun blaming you for everything going wrong in the world - the economical crysis, natural desasters, stupid politics, the war in the Iraq - it's all your fault JP! Oh and while I am on it saying nice things to you: hope you had a nice christmas with your family and all the best for 2011. Have a good start into the new year!!
  7. I prefer to stay safe But I can say we'll see totally different performance on air as ever seen before. Having the same issues you can read around the net but it seems we start to get a step ahead of bios dev's from other brands while learning from intel *insertanenormousmysticalsmilehere*
  8. lol for sure not - if I would do, it would have been my last time gettin' cpus earlier...
  9. I don't care which series as long as it does fit in here
  10. nahh stuwi we'll gonna have some fun with 2600K soon trust me, trust me :D
  11. can you make a pic of it? just wanna check if there is something different - I don't really think so...I've just seen something interesting btw from a board I would never have expected it...need to get my hands on it before I can say more
  12. Yeah these are pictures from the first presentation. Clear top pictures will follow soon Just got my P8P67 Pro and of course I gave it a shot
  13. I am also preparing but rumors doesn't sound too good for the start for pictures check: ASUS Maximus IV Extreme ASUS TUF Sabertooth P67 ASUS P8P67 Deluxe
  14. yeah it was really nice sitting inside while the system had do freeze its ass of yeah I was told so also by the guy I bought the stager from - it was ~0°C and that seemed to give me ~8°-10C better temp compared to inside. while temp was a bit falling (maybe -2 to -3°C) it didn't got me any better temps on the cooling. heatpipe coolers didn't do a good job for me last year - under load they will extremly lack performance as whatever is used inside the pipes isn't designed for such low temps. It was better for me to use an old slk900 plain copper cooler without pipes.
  15. thanks guys! couldn't get anything noticable this time but awaiting some new hardware soon Haha very nice setup! ..but sitting there must have been a pain Hopefully temps will go that low beginning of jan here when I have 2 weeks holiday.
  16. Hey guys, it's getting cold outside and I smell some benching fun outside and inside - this thread is not mainly about the huge numbers just about posting some pictures about winter benching systems I had a small session with 7900 GT and 480 GTX but was unluckily interrupted by snow. The 480 seemed to like it outside and I need to get some ShadyBitch + DICE asap to have some more fun soon Let's see your systems for long winter evenings best regards SoF
  17. sound ok. maybe it would make sense to reward the top5 of each hardwareclass with a bit more hardwarepoints then?
  18. gratz for the nice comeback to top3 I missed that kinda stuff from you - hope that CPU serves you a while
  19. way to go boris - nice 2D start, hope your GFX won't let you down
  20. After a loooong search you finally got the right chip - impressive results!!!
  21. I think massman was the only one brave enough to bring one - I heard it was awesome for chicken invaders
  22. Thanks for moving and front page news! wohoo great score does it support DX 2.0? will LoD give you higher score? mwhahahahahaha....
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