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Everything posted by TAGG

  1. TAGG

    [WTB] Asus CT-479

    I'm looking for the infamous socket 479 adapter, since some people here think that it's funny to create challenges where you either adapter or die Unfortunaly these things are extremely rare, even here i guess
  2. TAGG

    Change Location

    Can someone please change my location to Austria, i've tryed Chrome Firefox and IE, but I allways get the message "Server failed to respond in time" It is quite anoying because people on the marketplace allways think i'm from the US... Hope some Mod can fix that
  3. I'm looking for the CPU mentionend above, only the 1900+ Palomino, not other core or 1800+ or 2000+ Palomino Preferably in the EU, but if you are from Somwhere else, it dosen't matter as long as shipping isn't too expensive
  4. Isn't mine but i found this on ebay: GIGABYTE GA-Z77X-UP7, LGA 1155, OVP+Rechnung+Volles Zubeh
  5. Pmed for 6320
  6. TAGG

    [EU] EVGA SR-2

    Board sold, please move
  7. TAGG

    [EU] EVGA SR-2

    All of the Red Slots work perfectly now (tripple channel), but 2 of the black ones (secondary channel) still dont work. For Benching this is irrelevant, but this means, that the max mem capacity is 40GB instead of 48GB. Also Price drop to 330+ Shipping
  8. TAGG

    [EU] EVGA SR-2

    Cleaned the socket, will test with 2 L5640s from my server this Weekend, maybe this will fix the RAM bug.
  9. PMed for #3
  10. TAGG

    [EU] EVGA SR-2

  11. TAGG

    [EU] EVGA SR-2

    Selling my SR-2, originaly inteded for a Workstation, which I never built, then used for some OC tests, when i decided, that dual CPU isn't for me. The Board works well, ecept, that with some CPUs / RAMs you can't run Tripple Channel on CPU 1, for example, I could run dual E5640 with Kingston 1600 Sticks and Ripjaws PSCs, dual L5640 only with the Kingstons (4 GB each) and dual X5650s not at all, it would simply not recognize more than 2 Sticks on the CPU 1 RAM banks. If this is typical for these kind of boards I don't know, but I just wanted to let you know, I allso haven't spent more than an hour trying to figure it out. Looking for 350ish + Shipping(8€ to Austria, 20€ to Germany and 23€ to other EU Countrys, if you're not from the EU please ask in advance), but you can also just make an offer PayPal Friends Preffered, but also Bank Transfer possible.
  12. TAGG

    Asrock Z170 OCF

    No I'm in Austria all the time, the change bocation button doesn't work for me it sais "server did not respond in time"
  13. What can this Chip do at ambient cooling?
  14. Is this one decent enough for you? http://hwbot.org/submission/3177447_tagg_xtu_core_i5_4690k_1103_marks http://hwbot.org/submission/3185850_tagg_superpi___1m_core_i5_4690k_6sec_750ms It does 24/7 stable 4,8GHz with 1,285 in BIOS, however I couldn't get 5 GHz with acceptable Voltage (<1,35V) 24/7 Stable The Chip is delidded with LM on the DIE.
  15. TAGG

    Asrock Z170 OCF

    I'm looking for a Z170 OCF (not M, i know how hard it is to get one of those). Idealy located in Europe, if you got one to sell(maybe bacause you just got the M ) please let me know
  16. Please Fix The 1B Stage, I can't compete, because the number of Videocard cores isn't specified. The Submission just crashes if i try to submit!
  17. Im curios if there are any PCIe cards with 98SE drivers... If not i still got the 4Core dual SATA2
  18. I just got an (delidded) i5 4690K that does this (on ambient water(no ice on RAD, just 18-19°C Air!)): http://hwbot.org/submission/3177426_ Needs 1,32V for XTU 5 GHz. IMC not checked, ran 1100Mhz 7-10-7 1,72V with PSC RAM not tested any further. What do you think its worth?
  19. So... Winter Air would be considered Extreme? BC i managed, that my e8400 was ideling at about 5°C on water (-12°C ambient + 2 Server Fans on 240mm RAD) http://hwbot.org/submission/3105321_tagg_superpi___1m_core_2_duo_e8400_8sec_828ms
  20. PMed for 2a, 2b and 3b
  21. You got a PM for #1 from me
  22. I would offer 100 AUD including shipping to austria for the 3 hypers and the 2 PSC 2000c9s. If this is enough for you, or you want to discuss the price please PM me
  23. The Cell Shocks are sold, right?
  24. It was only a matter of time until someone would get this running on a Z170 Board... Great Job!!!
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