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Everything posted by TAGG

  1. Oh hell yeah Allso please do something with original Phenom(prefferably multicore, maybe something like 1,2,3,4 cores (am2(+) cpus only, ddr2 stage ofc), would techically only need original phenom in 3 core slot), i know they are boring, but pretty sure they get forgotten in every single competition, either it's a64 x2 or ph 2
  2. Whatever this runs out to, i would appreciate a "don't participate in seasonal rankins" button under user settings if this gets pushed through, cause for me date is usually whatever boards default to after BIOS reset, and i certainly don't care for including backgounds/notepads/benchmate/whatever on random HW point farming runs on old HW (CPU-Z doesn't work at all on some stuff, so that's out)...
  3. I got a M4A89GTD Pro myself, just never managed over 395 on that board with this sempron... Might be me sucking at the platform, but ganged didn't seem to help for me... (only tested on that one board though)
  4. That board is unfortunately dead, currently waiting for a cheap Ch iV to come along
  5. I allready have some, just can't get 400+ BCLK to work Certainly not on this board, maybe on DFI? but i'm no expert for these either
  6. Yay embargo lift :D Awesome work :)
  7. FSB is not the problem on this one Does 520+ air...
  8. Nope chip does like 460 FSB... What i really need here is bullshooters effi
  9. Pricedrop on the DFI, added 980X
  10. I don't have the board, so can't compare it to anything You got a PCI POST-Code card? what does it say? But before you throw it out i'd take it
  11. 8 Sticks for $20 is even cheaper than what i paid for mine Are they 2k or 2133 sticks? Killer deal anyways
  12. FSB wall is 604 and didn't go away with more/less vpll either Max possible 32m is probbably 5,25 to 5,3 on this voltage just didn't really bother as i have another chip with worse core but way better FSB that hopefully gets up there (LN2 required)...
  13. Pricedrop and New board added
  14. Up for the last 4core dual
  15. Nope, but got some more i have to bin
  16. Up, some more 4coreduals from 2nd batch added, these will be the last ones
  17. Added some more lower end 4coredual-sata2s since first 3 were gone so quickly
  18. Up, added some decent asrock boards
  19. Use CPU-Z 1.57, newest one tends to do that on socket A...
  20. How did you get the P4 mobile to work? Allso can the board run higher multis as well?
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