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POLICE department INTO hwbot?....

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Now I see it all. All my respect hipro, it takes a great man to speak out his feelings like that, and it takes a great man to take time to prove something and not say it from the beginning. I am sorry if I ever misjudged you guys in this thread, it is clearly that some thing I had absolutely no idea about. RESPECT!



Also......I am afraid that hipro really has a point here:


IF you want to hear my TRULLY and HONESTLY oppinion.....Here it is:


From the time hwbot "open it's gates" for "TEAMS", we (many of us) has lost friends from this......

TEAMS are "BAD"....ONLY INDIVIDUAL BENCHERS will keep things straight, clean, and FRIENDLY MOST OF ALL.....


This is my oppinion though with simple and straight words....


EDIT: By saying that teams are "bad", I don't mean that they are bad BUT that teams seperates people (if you can understand what I mean).....



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Can i make a comment that is nothing to do with any particular team:


The moment a team starts to think of ways to maximise their point any other way than just good old individuals benchmarking, then trouble is brewing.


Sure go ahead and have team benches, while it does complicate things only slightly more than individuals, just do it cleanly and with no intent to maximise team points. Much like that session i recently did in Taiwan where i claimed all the points and my benchpartner claimed none, or another session in Aus with all of Team.AU where the owner of the hardware claimed the points.

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According to the existing rules - if you like - of hwbot, ONLY ONE CPU MUST have cpu related benchies....

The above benchies where done with the EXACT SAME CPU that it has ALREADY UPLOADED RESAULTS to hwbot and it's "forbiden" to re-upload any other cpu related benchies with the SAME one.... It doesn't matter by whom it was given.....It matters that it was THE EXACT SAME CPU..... ;)


By saying this, I just want to say that this hwbot rule is not "accurate".....

What if I sell MY CPU to another user of my team?.....can't he upload his resaults with HIS (now for example) CPU?....


Thanks Monstru :)



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I am waiting some explanations from hwbot crew about removing some scores from my account without EVEN send me a pm or email. The scores were with a qx9650 that was given from intel to pcmagazine and then to me as i am a reviewer for them. After some days i returned it to pcmag. I can scan documents from my company that proves my words. After that i dont know where is the cpu. And of course all the hardware that i am benching with is from the magazine.


Also i want explanations about removing 3D scores that i had from the last event. Only me has upload them and all the hardware was provided by the multirama shop.


I want FULL explanations please and i hope my words count the same with the "other" members.




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You know that the CPU you got from PCMagazine.gr was the one that I have benched two weeks or so before that....So where is the wrong here by following the hwbot one rule?....

ONE CPU can have cpu related benchmarks....At least this is what I understand till now....

Though this rule must change cuz it's not accurate...

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// Problem has already been discussed in PM with Hadji_a ...


First of all thanks for deleting my post.............


I wasnt refering to the loss of points by deleting the results but at richba5tard's action to delete them with out asking any kind off explanations.

just by Hipro DEMAND



i dont know about the Problem that has already been discussed in PM with Hadji_a because i cant get in contact with him a.t.m but i belive

this kind of action from richba5tard's side is somethink to concern the hole HW bot community

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@h5 Sorry my friend but i havent ask your opinion. I can't do everytime research about the hardware i am getting before benching. That cpu was nobody's property. It was a reviewing sample for the magazine and i can proove that with papers.


I am waiting the OFFICIAL answer from hwbot crew about my results. Probably i am not allowed to bench from now on because i dont buy hardware.


My msn is unseen@in.gr

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@h5 Sorry my friend but i havent ask your opinion. I can't do everytime research about the hardware i am getting before benching. That cpu was nobody's property. It was a reviewing sample for the magazine and i can proove that with papers.


I am waiting the OFFICIAL answer from hwbot crew about my results. Probably i am not allowed to bench from now on because i dont buy hardware.


My msn is unseen@in.gr


You knew that the cpu the one that hipro benched.

Didn't you?:rolleyes:

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I think Unseen got a good point here.

If it is the same cpu but a third person is owned this (pc-magazine) then it is legal unseen's result and also hipro's.

The rule is for the same team but for different teams it does not matter (is it as selling

to a third-unrelated person). So the points are not calculated for one team with same cpu where we have the problem so far.

@Hipro i think the rule you mentioned has a black hole (it should work within team but not outside team)

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This rule applies to team benching and as far as I know you guys are not in the same team. Little mistake, I assume, but RB is clearing this up with hadji_a, Unseen :).



I assume that this post of Massman have cleared things up..... ;)

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@an7 I informed about that the day i got it. Why should i consider that? We are in different team and the cpu was no ones property.

And of course if you dont have anything else that counts in current situation please dont quote me again. My questions are reffering to hwbot crew and not to HOT members.



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you are at HOT's thread m8.

If you dont want, dont post here.Simple things ;)


PS.I dont care about the points or the results.

But i was just wondered

And as you said "Αυτο που μου αρεσει περισσοτερο ειναι οτι ειμαστε μια παρεα Στο διαολο ρε οι ποντοι!(What I like more is that we are a company,f(l)uck the points) !"

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Unseen- Your scores are valid and we did too quick conclusions with them. Those scores will be unblocked soon. We all apologise for this confusion.


Elefsinaras and Giorgos. I made mistake with your results. They are done separately. Sorry about that!


To all: This thread is too large considering what was the problem, but there is also something good in here. Some users post their ideas and development proposals. We have to start new thread, where users can tell their ideas about these issues we have at the moment.

We are trying to do new rules soon, so everyone knows what is right and what is wrong when submitting results. After that HWbot should be even more fair to everyone and for every team :)

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@an7 I wont be in conversation with you. Sorry for that and stop teasing me and my team members.



Apologies accepted. Hoping for better communication in the future.


Me, teasing you and your team members?

Just omg


This is the problem.

We never had a conversation.....an open conversation and look how things are.

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Summarized the rules regarding team benching like they are now. Some need to be re-written or add some line to + need to add sponsored events. These rules are about CPU and GPU, not motherboards/ram/tweaks.


Bench alone:

- post results with your own hardware

- post results with hardware you have for review, send by the manufacturer himself

- FORBIDDEN: post results not done by you / not your hardware.


Bench session with more than 1 person:

- post result to account of owner of the hardware (3d: vga, 2d: cpu)

- when sli bench with two owners (each one card) post result to one account (you can chose which account)

- FORBIDDEN: post multiple results of the same session spread over different accounts

- FORBIDDEN: share cpu on 2D and/or gpu on 3D benches with team members to gain more points.

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I want a clear out on this:

I have one cpu on my own for example E6850.

I have post all my 3D results with this cpu.

Someone from my team is giving me a QX9650 to play.

Can i bench again 3d with this cpu (but the gpu is mine and is used again)?

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I want a clear out on this:

I have one cpu on my own for example E6850.

I have post all my 3D results with this cpu.

Someone from my team is giving me a QX9650 to play.

Can i bench again 3d with this cpu (but the gpu is mine and is used again)?


Yes, but you can't submit 2D results with the QX9650.

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I do not agree with these rules:


- post results with hardware you have for review, send by the manufacturer himself

- FORBIDDEN: post results not done by you / not your hardware.


What if a magazine or a store gives me a CPU to review. Or what if a friend of mine that has nothing to do with HWB and benching gives me his CPU to play with? That is not sent by manufacturer, but by a third party supplier :)


Of course, nobody should ever post results that are not done by themselves, I totally agree with that one :)

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Summarized the rules regarding team benching like they are now. Some need to be re-written or add some line to + need to add sponsored events. These rules are about CPU and GPU, not motherboards/ram/tweaks.


Bench alone:

- post results with your own hardware

- post results with hardware you have for review, send by the manufacturer himself

- FORBIDDEN: post results not done by you / not your hardware.


Bench session with more than 1 person:

- post result to account of owner of the hardware (3d: vga, 2d: cpu)

- when sli bench with two owners (each one card) post result to one account (you can chose which account)

- FORBIDDEN: post multiple results of the same session spread over different accounts

- FORBIDDEN: share cpu on 2D and/or gpu on 3D benches with team members to gain more points.

You forgot CF :)

Some ppl own ES or regular hardware and are not members of hwbot or are not overclockers.

Why not bench this hardware?


Now things are a bit more clear.

Although I do not agree with exchanging hardware restrictions, you might consider the following.

The "one result per CPUs (for 2D tests) or GPUs (for 3D tests)" rule,

I believe it might be better to restrict one result per CPUs or GPUs, no matter who gets the points.

In case of benching with lended hardware from another hwbot member, we should define the owner of the CPUs for 2D tests or the GPUs for 3D tests.

For example I allow someone else to run SPi 1m with my CPU and upload the score he/she got.

In the above case, the owner can upload any other 2D tests, except SPi 1m.

After the other guy deletes his score, SPi 1m is open again.

In case of disagreement between the owner and the other person, both scores should go down.


The "In multi settings, use different mobos and at least one different CPU (for 2D tests) or GPU (for 3D tests)" rule

I propose the above "multi settings" rule.

For example we may give three of our video cards to someone else to bench Quad SLI on their mobo and we may also bench our cards for tri-SLI on our own mobo. We both can upload results.

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