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We can see the cheat but the developper works on the program to make it more safe so mods have less work at checking, For challenger nothing is changed

We can see the cheat but the developper works on the program to make it more safe so mods have less work at checking, For challenger nothing is changed


New HWBOT x265 version incoming? It would be great to have something notticeable in the benchmark window to show that it's the new version (to distingue it from old version easilly), + file verification of course...

  • Administrators

As said, Havli is checking options and sacrificing his time to fix the flaw, and we are thankful for this. I am very optimistic this will come soon, maybe 2,1, he will decide this

As said, Havli is checking options and sacrificing his time to fix the flaw, and we are thankful for this. I am very optimistic this will come soon, maybe 2,1, he will decide this


Great, was an interesting bench, scaled with mems, scaled with cpu... Hope they can fix it and have it again.

I hope he fixes it. I enjoyed benching it. It actually pulls more watts than xtu


Excellent benchmark for getting a good base overclock that works almost everywhere. I've even used my X265 settings for game testing to good effect.

For a long time ,i've read his nickname ( $@39@ ) as Sofos :))).



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro


In that case, sofos would be so op cause he would have 2 accounts with different hw and scores in top 10.


That would be sick haha

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