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Hi all...


I've been participating for Team Zwame, but i'm new to this contests and have not much experience.

But imo these contests should be separated in 2 divisions air/water cooling and extreme cooling as these 2 types of cooling competes in absolute 2 different championships. It's like a football match between Manchester United or Real Madrid or Barcelona vs Despertar SC. (This team is the actual worst team in the lowest possible football division in Portugal. Sorry if there is here any fan of this club, xD)


I think it's unfair to mix this 2 types of cooling... But it's just my opinion... :)

Edited by PsySc0rpi0n
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I, for one, would also tend to agree with PsySc0rpi0n. Clearly, I have benefited greatly from the advent of the Enthusiast League. Prior to that, I had to content myself knowing that the only way I could post competitive scores was to use more obscure hardware and target less popular benchmarks.


Having said that, it's a double-edged sword. See, now that I'm an Enthusiast Leaguer, I no longer feel motivated to try sub-zero benching. In fact, it's quite the opposite: I am motivated to steer clear of it in order to maintain my Enthusiast League ranking.


And therein lies the rub. One of the great things about the Country Cup is how it introduces new people to the world of competitive overclocking. Sure it hurts, but it's also pretty eye-opening when the UCBench score you worked on for hours and hours over several nights gets absolutely blown out of the water in embarrassing fashion by guys running LN2.


So if HWBOT is interested in promoting more extreme benchmarking, then it actually makes sense to introduce people to it in the form of handing them a crushing defeat! By separating competitions like this into extreme vs. non-extreme cooling, it may have the opposite effect of encouraging people not to try more extreme forms of benchmarking.


In the end, I still selfishly agree with PsySc0rpi0n's post. But I can see there's another side to the argument as well.

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A last night session for Team Belgium last night. We basically had to do 4 of the 5 scores, so time was an issue. I returned home at 6AM (benching from ~8PM, but it was worth it. Great team spirit, nice scores, some hair-pulling retarded hardware, but ... in the end we did fine for time/hardware we had available :D


Videos later.

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Yes, that's very true.


I think there's a solid 37k (maybe even 38k) left in that HD4290 setup. Another 12k with that A4, another 7k with the A8, etc etc. We can't do this 3 days in a row, though, so I think we're doing fine with the limited time and hardware (not really limited, but always just one board/cpu combo).

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Who's the flucking b*tch who has reported our HD6410D submission in stage 2????

Seriously, in the hurry we put 2 mainboard cpu-z, the HD6410D is present ONLY inside this cpu-z, all frequencies are linked on Llano, so with some simple division, you can easily get the cpu frequency.


Damn, what's the point of reporting every submissions?

The guy who's done that should really be a dumbass OCer to do such bad things.

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Please, don't talk about de rules. There are much submissions which have to be reported in the country cup, or at least, do not match "exactly" what is required.

BUT, those submissions are from "great" (lol) countries...


What a pity...


Edit : for example : http://hwbot.org/submission/2227146_pt1t_3dmark2001_se_radeon_hd_6550d_44333_marks

No memory information... Rules are the same for everyone? big big lol


Edit2 : I want to clear something, I absolutely don't want Pt1t submission's to be killed.

It happens to forget 1 cpu-z info...

Edited by StrategosSan
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It is fairly hard to feel sorry when you sandbag 3 scores for the last day. Unless you legitimately were benching until the last few hours to get the scores up? If that was the case then my sympathies, but if the scores had been posted early then they would have been lots of time for corrections. Not even a placeholder score? Like I said, hard to feel sorry.

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It was the last hours before posting ...

We feel disappointed because in fact we first feel quite motivated to participate to this kind of contest. Idea is quite good and only fun should be here. but unfortunatly there are again some losers behavior to face. Nevermind this is not the end, competition must go on and this IGP stage is finished now. I understand that strategosan can feel ungry, he spend all his WE and money to finish this stage with Wizerty. Wizerty made 400km to join us and now all efforts are lost due to bad loser way.

Finally It should be a fun contest but in fact it's only contest with the best and the worst.

Edited by Koubbyzzz
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And eternal shame for the others :D


Some guys are too bad for pushing their hardware over the limit and make great score so they adopt a dirty way for grab one little point on cup classement :(

Perhaps should we do the same... It will be more simple than search good tweaks or hardware...but it will hurt our own honor.

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