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[SUGGESTION] HWBOT OC Pro League - Separating the seeded from the amateur

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This issue has been popping up a few times in the last couple of months, so maybe it's time to work on solving it. Ideas and concepts have been floating around for months (maybe even years) and here's a first worked-out version of a competition that should make everyone happy (;)).




# This document is a WORK-IN-PROGRESS and certainly not a fact. We're releasing this to the public to get feedback on vital points we've missed or things we've overseen!

# Name is work-in-progress as well

# Biggest change for household overclockers: no ES in amateur ranking

# We do NOT force anyone to join any category


Many years ago, overclockers were nothing more than students trying to match the performance of the high-end hardware components without spending too much money. Overclocking proved to be beneficial, even in daily applications, and together with the rise of the online discussion forums, communities discussing how to improve the system’s performance further. Although there’s no factual proof, I’m certain that not much later benchmarks appeared to make it easier to measure the performance increase in a simpler way than just the daily applications. It is from that point, when people all around the globe started using benchmarks to improve and compare the performance increase, that overclocking was going in a different direction. Instead of focusing on the relative performance increase, or: what was visible on a daily basis, people began to focus on the absolute performance. It was the birth of competitive overclocking.


The HWBOT OC Pro league is a suggested solution coming from the heart of the HWBOT staff. In its essence, it’s an attempt to solve the current problem with seeded overclockers taking on the household overclocker in the same ranking, be it in the Overclockers League, live or online overclocking competitions. It’s a first step in the direction of a clear and transparent split-up between the market and marketing. No doubt it’s not perfect, but it’s not meant to be.


LINK TO THE FULL DOCUMENT: http://hwbot.org/blog/wp-content//ocproleage.pdf



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overclockers league - why limit people with 300 hardware points?

why not to limit them to, say, 25 best hardware submissions?

2 point grinders will drop, and people with twenty five 20-50pt submittions (which are not easy to make) will have at least theoretical chance of getting into the top 10? (25x50=1250hardware pts)

otherwise, now the overclockers league gives a huge advantage to those who use lots of high-end hardware which, in my personal definition of overclocking, is not a measure of skill.

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I understand what you're saying (we've looked into this before), but it doesn't look totally feasible.


First of all, it's not always very difficult to get high ranks in hardware categories: with new CPU architecture, you can own an older (but popular) 3D hardware ranking. Sure, it takes some time and LN2 to do so, but 'skill' isn't really necessary to grab 20 points.


Secondly, we don't want to make the already popular hardware categories even more popular than they are now. There's no need to put a lot of focus on, for instance, the 8800GTX category. Some folks already said that we put too much focus on these categories now when the new HWBOINTS revision came to life.


The real need for high-end hardware has also been addressed. Before 980X, you could get far with a good 960 or 950 and a single graphics card. Of course, 980X is making it a bit more expensive now.

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Pieter, let me understand... the changes between now and after the split will be that only the PROs can access the competitions?

As I look at the graph I understand that OC league has hwpoints (same as now, limited to 300 for a person, not limited when it comes to count in the whole team points), Global Points best per benchmark (same as now, in all the submissions I do in a benchmark, the one who gets the most hwboints, not the highest score in the benchmark, takes globals, the others only the hwboints), and the last thing... 3D WR points: isn't it the same thing that goes in the Global Points?

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Competitions would still be open to everyone. Ideally, comps are split up in:


- Extreme: high-end hardware, binning allowed, counts for pro league points

- Mainstream: mainstream hardware, no binning, no ES, stand-alone competition


- Extreme: everyone can compete if you have the right hardware

- Mainstream: only non-pro can compete


- Overclockers League = like it is now, but ES removed

- OC Pro League = seeded/supported guys can go in here, marketing benching goes in here, everything allowed

- Teams League = like it is right now


- Hardware points = like it is now

- Global points = like it is now, but pro scores do not influence points of normal scores

- 3D-WR points = points awarded to top 3D results (multi-gpu)

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Argumentation please.


What`s a Pro?

A Overclocker who bench for a Company (EVGA, Gigabyte,...)?

A Overclocker who have Sponsors?

A Overclocker who tests Hardware for an Website and bench them for HWbot?

Or a Overclocker who have enough money to buy a lot of Hardware?


When you split the League in Pro and Amateur, the People cry about Overclockers they have Testsamples for benching or People who have enough money. Next time the AMD-only Bencher want to split it in AMD and Intel, because they have no chance to beat them.

Finally we have a Pro, a Semi-Pro, a Amateur, a AMD and a Intel-League.

I dont like this idea.


I hope you unterstand what i mean... sorry for my english. :-(


"Rev 3 is a little bit unbalanced, but good."

A little bit too much Points for Mainstream-Hardware. I bench an crappy Geforce 9800GX2 @air and stock voltage with an 980X @ln2 and become a lot of points for them. But my Global World Records in wPrime 3x Core Ranking (i test hardware and bench 2 or 3 weeks) are worthless. The awarding for popular hardware is a little bit overdone. A laughable 30th rank with a 7900GT, 8800GTX,... earned more points then a 1th rank with an cpu/gpu that is unpopular. I think this need more "fine tuning". And the Rule that each bench earned 0,1 Points, equal its rank 76 or 257, is not good.


over again: sorry for my english! I hope you understand what i mean!?!


greets Alriin (Michael)

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If you consider yourself pro, fine, but you will have to battle "the big guys" in order to be on top.


??? I dont consider me as a pro... i have no sponsors, no money and not the experience for a pro.


hmmm... i dont know... is it good when we make a two-class society on HWbot?!?

Edited by Alriin
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Argumentation please.
IMO you guys should keep things the way they are. Yes, while under the current situation in regards to how the top spots are being held can be very overwhelming, BUT this is suppose to be the league where the best show up to. As to whether someone decides to tick that little box if it is warranted that is solely up to them. I just can't understand how two leagues will make any difference or make anyone "feel" any better. I mean what is the point of being #1 in a AM league?How many OCers actually are truly "sponsored"(receive actual binned HW) anyways? I am honestly sick of hearing about that dam word as it gets thrown around as much as the dreaded "WR" B-S that has taken over in recent months. Being involved in enduser support does not make you sponsored. Beta BIOS testing a mobo/reviewing a kit of ram/etc does not evolve automatically into Top Ten standings. Benching is not just pour and click like some like to believe. I can't tell you how many times I have seen gem hw that was not utilized to it's full potential by previous owners.


In all honesty unless those scores that are at the top of the bot are the only thing between you and #1 in the league it should not be worried about it. In actuality the very Ocer's that are in that position have not said a word...they just continue to compete. That is what separates the great ones from the rest. They all had to work their asses off to get where they are. We would see much more intense battles if more people would worry more about the strategy of how they are going to over take the OCer that is right above them and less about the few at the top that have earned their way there(I mean we were ALL OC noobs at one point, no?)


yeah I understand peoples points of the super binning/sponsored/endless funds that are a part of this hobby but the best way to to deal with it IMO is just show what you can do and prove you have skills with what you got. Get the respect. The rest will follow.


My two cents

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62% of the votes in this thread say "yes, please make two leagues" and now that the suggestion is here all we get is replies against the idea.


In the end, this just looks like "oh, we just like to complain about everything" :P


It's so wired - I think it could be the end of HWBot


Maybe even the end of the universe :eek:.


Please explain ...

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  • Crew

I think those who like everything don't see a reason to make a reply ;)


So you made me to do this. We've got a proverb in Russia on this.

"Would be better, but it turned out as always". So I hope it won't turn out as always and will be implemented to correctly serve the requirements that it was developed to.

Maybe even the end of the universe :eek:.
Don't worry. The best we can do is not increasing the entropy.Though, assuming the only way to do so is to die, I suggest we rock 'n' roll and don't give a damn to entropy :D Edited by Antinomy
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I fully agree with the whole idea Massman!

Only thing I haven't yet completely understood, is how are you going to prevent guys from binning hardware in mainstream competitions. I really don't think that that's something you can take control of.


Also, If I get this right, money prizes will only be given away to extreme competition winners? Therefore, winners of Mainstream competitions win high-end hardware? If yeah, then it sounds fully rational, I'm all in for that one as well :)

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I think separating the two leagues is a great idea:) It would be more fair for people who like benching but don't have much money to spend for their hobby. I also totally agree with the rule of not using ES hardware in the amateur league and the way of organizing the competitions!

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62% of the votes in this thread say "yes, please make two leagues" and now that the suggestion is here all we get is replies against the idea.


In the end, this just looks like "oh, we just like to complain about everything" :P




Maybe even the end of the universe :eek:.


Please explain ...


How much of that 62% that voted yes are accountable for how much % of the actual results on HWB? :)

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How much of that 62% that voted yes are accountable for how much % of the actual results on HWB? :)




How We are "sponsored" and get like one/two mb per month and if We are lucky one/two cpu for one week can take battle with guys who can get one mobo for one day ( if this is good day ) and 14 cpu's for one week ; two for one day is ok I think for pretest.


If We have some es cpu's than We are sponsored and We must go to Pro league. I think no, anyone can touch es cpu, and overlock it. It's not big problem at this days.

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A pro overclocker can be any of the above, as the document states that anyone can choose to be in the pro league. We do not choose who is pro(*) and who not. If you consider yourself pro, fine, but you will have to battle "the big guys" in order to be on top.


(*) we do recommend to be in the top 50 amateur league before switching to pro, otherwise any john do would be able to say he is pro.




This I don't understand.


Hwbot is separating into two leagues, yet you will not say who is or is not a "pro"


If someone like BenchZowner who gets more than I (we talked about it in the open on another forum) see's himself as an amateur, but most would put me in pro, how does that make it anymore fair for the "I get nothing members"


The guy in the post above this one, sounds like he gets a boat load more than most, a hell of alot more than me. Yet by reading his post I'm left with the idea he would put himself in the amateur league.


I have never had binned hardware sent to me, the only hardware that I receive at home is untested retail for review or the likes.

And have never received anything from AMD or Intel.

Yet reading all this, I (as most would) class myself as pro.



I get the feeling that some/lots of members think that there are lots of sponsored guys out there that get anything they ask for, for free. Be it ln2, cpu's (even binned ones) motherboards and gpu's. Hell they may even be being paid.

Which as the staff here would know, it's just not that case.


So unless you make it, anything free = pro

What will change, for the "I get nothing, it's not fair members" ?

What I can see is even more BS threads down the road as someone say X shouldn't be in the amateur league


By the by, In the way "sponsored" is used, do we even have 5 members that fit that bill ?

But there is a lot (ie: motherboards) that get them for "review" and then bench them hard out on the bot. I for one do just that. This is why I see myself as pro, even though I'll never get a free cpu from intel/AMD.


I can see and understand what you're trying to do, but unless the change stops all the BS over who gets what, whats the point, when many that voted are down the ranks and anyone that gets a motherboard for review looks sponsored to them.

Edited by Deanzo
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