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Flank3r yeah I posted in your thread on ROG. :)


I.NFRAR.ED - The first time I binned over 20 8350 processors, but then Roman destroyed the 32Mil scores and broke the 9.30 mark, and even my back ups and I had to start all over again.


In the end I think it was closer to 100 processors the second time round, not just 8350'I binned all new AMD processors in my search for a 8GHz benching processor. I got this one from Amazon EU by the way. It came close to benching at 8GHz with 7990MHz for the final runs but I never got to bench over 8GHz for 32 Mil that is Romans alone.


Thanks for the honest answer. Your performance is good. Roman's chip throttled I think, but haven't compared loop by loop.

I had the same with my 8040 1M run. I can probably do better, especially in multi-thread benchmarks, but need CH5F.

Gigabyte boards I have surrender much earlier.


Sam - I try to stay focused on a single outcome, so there was no thought of seeing what the max frequency was. Mainly because trying for a suicide CPUz shot would mean not being able to bench that CPU later if it died or was damaged. As it was I lost quite a few processors during the final binning process in any case.


At the end of the day I would have liked to join the elite club of benching 32Mil at 8GHz with Roman but that is not going to happen any time soon. I certainly tried, and killed processors in search of that goal over the last week of the contest. I got real close but ... no cigar.

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