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PSU Wattage @ HWBOT


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I'm not sure if the chart represents the actual situation.

You can verify this via a database request, but I reckon that PSU is more frequently mentioned (also for marketing purposes) on the "high-end" scores (where high wattage is a must) whereas low-end and/or legacy stuff rarely features PSU info (might as well be due to obscure old PSUs not even being in database), which could skew the rankings a bit.

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Yea, it's more of a guide to "PSUs that people were sponsored with or were REALLY happy about buying" (that's not a complaint. Xigmatek helped me with a 1200W and I thanked them in every result until they pulled out of Europe)


example: Q2-Q3 2013... there was a drop in 500-850W units, but not enough increases in other size ranges to compensate :)

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Lately I've been putting in more info than I used to. In several submissions I mention the psu even though it was not given to me. I just figure some of the stuff is useful to look back at and the more info I input, the better. In the past it was bare minimum. If it's 2d, bench, only motherboard cpu and memory. A 3d bench i'd add the gpu, but thats it. Now I see myself adding a bit more info.

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Same. Not that i sub with a lot of variation in hardware but if you're subbing with different cpu/gpu constantly then filling in every box could become a chore very quickly. The option to use a previous submission as a template would be great if it weren't restricted to the last handful of sub's. Maybe categorising by benchmark type or some sort of drop down would be good.

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