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Everything posted by Mr.Scott

  1. Everybody's is like that.
  2. Can't say it any better than this. Congrats all.
  3. Silicon lottery man. Sometimes you get the bear, sometimes the bear gets you.
  4. They a tough to come by now. I actually found the one I have in a junk laptop. Turned out to be not a bad clocker.
  5. Nothing wrong with it. PM Websmile and have him add it manually.
  6. Hard to bench without power. GL MM. Stay safe.
  7. Yes...................nice bug fix.
  8. Good idea in theory but you will receive resistance because of the need to be online while benching.
  9. Thanks. Only 1.63v I still have room should I need it.
  10. While that may be true, it does not change the fact that the board is not a retail board and thus anyone that subs for points with it must be an Elite member. HWB rules, not mine.
  11. Exactly. You just proved my point. It's not a retail release, and was never going to be.
  12. You're taking what George said out of context. This limited group purchase is an insider deal. That makes it not retail. It's only being offered to this specific group, nobody else.
  13. You aren't killing anything. The exploiters are. You're just collateral damage.
  14. You can call it whatever you want. It's still not a retail item. That makes it Elite only per HWB's own rules.
  15. Michael did you a favor. I have notes for all subs in all stages, of errors (or not) that WILL be reported at the comps end. Why at the end you might ask? Because it gives no one a chance to re-sub. Point being.....if you lose a comp because you didn't do your due diligence of checking your subs, it's on you, nobody else. FWIW, it's happened to my team, so I personally know how it feels.
  16. George is correct. This limited group buy will not make it a retail item. Use your heads.
  17. I do not envy you once you start checking screen shots for the entire comp. There will be much disappointment.
  18. LOL. I feel a little better about that stage all of a sudden. You'll be there. You can't resist.
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