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Everything posted by Mr.Scott

  1. I call BS. You're on chilled water. I've benched enough FX's to know better.
  2. Just use the universal language.
  3. No problem. Always good to see you around. Don't be a stranger.
  4. Been reported before multiple times Angelo.
  5. Shadow of doubt cast. AIO in bucket of ice maybe. You don't insulate a board for no reason. Do we not have rules about this?
  6. Mmmmm..... cocoa with mini marshmallows. Enough caffeinated carbonated candy to last me about 15 minutes too. I like your style.
  7. Yes. It just means he ran the game tests one at a time. Totally legal.
  8. You just read that Johan reported his subs. This makes you no better than liqmet. Adding extra mod work is just a dick move.
  9. Don't really know any more.......but I do pretty well with the 3 brain cells I have left.
  10. Weren't all teamcup results already checked by a moderator?........except for some dogpile subs?
  11. You're wasting your breath Alex. That's been explained to him more times than I can count.
  12. And this one. flexjenl`s Reference Clock score: 550 MHz with a P5E3 Deluxe
  13. This one too please. flexjenl`s Reference Clock score: 565 MHz with a P5E3 Deluxe
  14. He's tenacious isn't he? I feel left out if I don't have at least 1 sub reported daily.
  15. Funny that I didn't see myself as being sarcastic by agreeing with Gavbon that changing resolution was against the rules, but whatever. Must be the language barrier. Then why would you?
  16. Can we not just put this to rest? Jesus. There are better thing to do.
  17. FWIW, I can no longer submit on Chrome. It always fails. Firefox works fine. This started during the teamcup.
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