First time I chose an Intel platform over AMD and it might have hurt me. Actually tried a 3200+ Barton on a A7V333 board on the chiller, with a 5500 AGP card. My PCI card was stronger. Congrats to both of you. Well deserved. See you next time
My understanding was old non current gen ES was allowed for general subs, but not allowed in comps.
No ES at all were allowed in comps. Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.
Slot's, A or 1 is good.
Dual 462's?
The Nvidia Forever contest a few years ago was highly enjoyable. Something along those lines maybe?
Just throwing some random stuff out there.
A couple simple questions to be answered by any staff that knows.
1) Is W10 allowed on ALL benchmarks?
Yes or No
2) Are we still treating W10 like 8/8.1 ?
Yes or No
No explanations necessary, just a simple yes or no. tia
:celebration: I do Fail......miserably too.
Forgot what I actually had in the board and never bothered to look.
Just plunked the card in and loaded some software.