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Everything posted by Mr.Scott

  1. Oh yes, lets handicap the small teams. That will promote more and better benchers. What are you thinking man. Maybe the big teams should think about culling their dead weight inactive benchers. Maybe there should be a time limit on inactivity before team points are stripped. Eg. after say a year of inactivity, team points from the inactive members are stripped from said teams. That would shake up the standings a little bit wouldn't it.
  2. And if your team does not have 10/20 members, what then?
  3. It was never on your shoulders bro, just want to clarify that. Nobody's gonna burn your house down.
  4. Already there. C7-D 1500 http://hwbot.org/hardware/processor/c7_d_1500/
  5. Actually, we only have 16 members, 6 of which I consider active. That 30 figure has been wrong since the beginning of time.........because we don't fix bugs here. We just make changes to add more bugs that go unfixed.
  6. Do you really think that the globals will be the only change? You're kidding yourself. HW will be hot on it's heels if not at the same time because somebody will b1tch. That is and has always been the MO. Give an inch, take a mile.
  7. I knew it. That's bunnyextraction. You effectively kill my team with that change. See post #21.
  8. Sorry. I'll back off until I see the example. I don't have a good feeling about it though. FWIW, you were just the staff member that delivered the message. I wasn't singling you out. It's not a personal thing.
  9. This is pretty funny considering that all of last month's discussions were aimed at promoting the TEAM concept because it was lost. Now .....of course, comes the backhand. Honest to god, if all you want to promote is current high end hardware on ln2 then just tell us. Just stop the dickin around.
  10. Exactly my thoughts. :celebration:
  11. In the top 3 places maybe, but from 4th on down there are changes every week.
  12. That is not true. People have finished the iterations without error but errored in the final output. Don't speculate. Either you finish the run or you didn't.
  13. Subbed. Based on the limited info here, need to see an example please. Thanks for thinking of us Lewis.
  14. It's ok Michael, mistakes happen sometimes. Thanks for responding.
  15. First time I chose an Intel platform over AMD and it might have hurt me. Actually tried a 3200+ Barton on a A7V333 board on the chiller, with a 5500 AGP card. My PCI card was stronger. Congrats to both of you. Well deserved. See you next time
  16. My understanding was old non current gen ES was allowed for general subs, but not allowed in comps. No ES at all were allowed in comps. Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.
  17. The likelihood of that happening is about .01% I wouldn't worry about it.
  18. So?............. There has been worse done before.
  19. Geforce history tour. Yes, part of TC 2012. The RIP Abit contest was great too.
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