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Everything posted by Mr.Scott

  1. There are quite a few for 3D01. I see nothing out of line on any of those subs. Please refrain from using the C word. It just makes people angry and defensive.
  2. Got it. Thanks for the clarification.
  3. A couple questions, just because I'm curious. How much partnership?, and does Frederik still own 100% of the HWB source code?
  4. Just wanted to say thank you Michael. Competition moderation has been much less painful and much more timely since you took that position. I know it's generally a thankless job.
  5. I tried......for days. None of my running boards could do 266 x 9. My Ultra B can, but it's still waiting for me to fix it.
  6. That was the case for everybody. Congrats and good job.
  7. Uh uh uh, Classicplatforms hasn't said boo in this thread. Junkdogg's opinion is his own and may or may not reflect others opinions on the team. Keep it between you and him please. Tia:)
  8. Can I see the numbers on those sticks Tony?, and the voltage you used? I have a half a dozen of those that I've never even tested. Lazy I guess.
  9. I'm holding in my hand right now, a Rage 128 Pro that is neither Xpert 2000 or Fury Pro. I can post a pic if you like. *shrug* I guess.
  10. Must be just you. Everything works fine for me.
  11. This would be Argon too. http://hwbot.org/submission/2472011_mr.scott_cpu_frequency_athlon_600mhz_(slot_pluto)_705_mhz
  12. No. That would be the same as down coring a processor.
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