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Everything posted by yosarianilives

  1. I guess the easy solution is just get a higher score than anyone else
  2. I assume because it's what stands between him and a gold.
  3. Thank you for clearing any confusion. It's a shame it's really hard to detect on faster hw, but at least should be fairly apparent on older/slower hw where this would be less of a cpu bench than it is now.
  4. Glad to hear! Hopefully we can get a clear response from mods other than "stop trying to break benchmarks" so that I can start being competitive in aqua A "yes this is cheat", or "no is okay" would be plenty.
  5. No issue, I don't think that at this point monitor pull would be considered a cheat because of it's widespread use and the fact that it isn't some uber god tier "tweak" like it would be for 3dm03. Surely LOD can do more than monitor pull does on some depending on the card. I mainly want to see some more conversations on it for aqua, cause it's pretty cut and clear for 3dm03 but I can't get a clear answer on aqua. Once I get a clear affirmative from mods I'll make a guide, perhaps I can even do a workshop at the bench meet in Philly
  6. All I asked the mod was "is monitor pull allowed considering that it causes a blank screen to be rendered", never heard a response on that. It wasn't a report, just a pm.
  7. From my testing it's not as huge of an uplift as 3dm03, probably because of the shorter subtests. It may be a driver thing or that it's still somewhat gpu limited, just more like a super lod. When I did testing on intel igp it did not lift the subtest score in a way that you'd expect from cpu only bench. Also when you pull at the beginning it only glitches the first few gts. If you plugged and unplugged a few times you may have had a wr. In 3dm03 monitor pull only glitches the subtest that you pull during, for my top 40 score with intel igp I pulled at the beginning of each subtest. In aqua it seems to be harder to do specifically than that. For example in my testing I pulled during the loading screen, then gt1 rendered normally but gt2 was black screen with gt3 normal. It's very hard to consistently glitch every subtest like you could do for 3dm03. In my opinion it's 100% glitching the bench, but more testing needs to be done to see what it's capable of. So perhaps we should just accept this for aqua because it's been used for years and isn't more than a 10-20% increase usually, unlike the 700%+ increase in 3dm03. We can just treat it like a super LOD. We reeally need to get some mods to chime in and set the record straight. When I first discovered what exactly monitor pull does in aqua I reached out to the mods asking about it and never heard back, unlike with 3dm03 which gave me an instant response of "Hell no, it's not legal!". If this ends up legal then I may need to make a guide on how to maximize this "super LOD" for the community so that we can see bigger scores.
  8. Well the thing is the way monitor pull works is fundamentally a cheat. It's hard to see on faster hw as the scenes are too fast. But when I pull on slow hw and plug back in I can see quite clearly that a black screen is rendered for the gt's that show score improvement. It's the exact same as 3dm03, it's just harder to tell how it works so many choose to remain ignorant and not question a good score.
  9. Interesting that every gt except gt1 and gt2 is lower than dancop's, however all gts are higher than ikki's sub so it could easily be different gts scale differently. Dancop is on a 980ti vs this 1080ti afterall, and driver differences could easily account for gt1 and gt2. I couldn't definitively call it monitor pull with any degree of certainty, and I doubt that an mod could either. It's probably legit. We'd need a known good score with a similar OC to say anything else.
  10. This looks amazing! Definitely on my radar, will see if I can make it once I have a bit more of my summer schedule nailed down.
  11. Haven't run anything on ln2 yet, but I can confirm everything you said about drag offscreen and high priority for just about every cpu. If you can run realtime splendid, but usually it causes an actual system lock up on most things that are unlocked multi unless you lose a couple hundred mhz.
  12. The recalc won't be done until at least April. Keep waiting
  13. Since this version did not support 3 decimal places the ranking is with the rounded number as that's all the datafile tells. So it's ranked as .610, as for the hw pts they came back later that day. I don't think the subs had actually lost their pts they just didn't apply to my ranking for some reason. But now that I've got them back hw pts seem more or less correct, waiting to sub anything new until the smoke clears though as I don't want to contribute to slowing it down. As for g470 globals, it seems that for some reason there's an 8.71 fps result being included in the rankings even though it's not a 1c result and it's listed as for "no pts or rank" so I think it's a bug.
  14. They didn't seem to mind, actually they kinda enjoyed it. Just need some air flow. Let me do 1750 6-6-6 with just about all the subs the chv gives minned out. Also had to max vdda and vddr to get the IMC to be happy, along with a generous dose of cpu-nb. Vcore only wanted like 1.7v though.
  15. I haven't been able to go over about 320 without dropping a channel on any of the sempys I binned so far on any board I own, but I've also only had the cpu on ss with chipset on air. Perhaps I need to put both on dice. I did find that slamming all the secondary voltages helped a bit, including dram, so perhaps I need some d9s to push above the 2.2v I feel safe with on my hypers.
  16. They've been missing for a while, somehow certain subs that are subbed as "no pts or rank" get included in 1c rankings even when not 1c. So it's so far below "1st" that it doesn't get pts. Also I've been hemorrhaging hwpts for some inexplicable reason since the start of this weekend. I'm gonna wait until the dust settles with all this recalculations to complain too loudly though.
  17. I wouldn't say that there is as far as performance, although I can understand someone not wanting to sub it as custom watercooling. Perhaps we should just combine custom air, aio, and custom water into ambient (custom) or something?
  18. Sadly this was getting a 2600 for price of 2600k. So I did logical thing and benched at safe voltages then sent back.
  19. Well done man! I will have to rerun next time an ebay seller thinks they can send me 2600 instead of 2600k ;)
  20. All I know is if you don't it's locked to 60. If you force triple buffering in driver you can get 63. Nothing you do in driver will prevent that. Perhaps the rules should be updated to account for this, as you can't just force vsync off in the driver. It doesn't change the actual rendering of the scene so it should be allowed.
  21. You have to set single buffering in the app, then use d3doverrider to force triple buffering.
  22. I did find the issue, I think. It doesn't show if you look at the rankings but for some reason there are some non 1c scores as part of the 1c ranking. So the #1 1c score shows up as 5th globally, and it's far enough behind the "1st" score so as not to receive pts. http://hwbot.org/submission/3770515_yosarianilives_hwbot_x265_benchmark___4k_celeron_g470_0.61_fps
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