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Everything posted by yosarianilives

  1. I want the stock coolers that you use. Do they come with the ln2 as well?
  2. Looks like the barrier to entry for locked xtu gold just got a little higher
  3. The update is listed somewhere in there, I'm not sure that windows will automatically pull it down so you may need to manually pull the kb from Microsoft and run it.
  4. Check out this thread.
  5. You also installed the windows update to allow unsigned drivers?
  6. If you can't export it to a USB then the profile is broken.
  7. Just export the profile then upload through hwbot.
  8. Are you trying to upload the profile through hwbot or through xtu?
  9. Try benching again and saving another profile. Sometimes an xtu profile won't save properly and will be broken, then you can't upload.
  10. Did you try the sandy no avx preset for instructions? It seemed to add some instructions which may help?
  11. Basically how it went for me, lol. Spent a few weeks on x265, then once I had the chip for that I just relied on clocks to bruteforce the rest of the scores, although I couldn't take spi without xp.
  12. I guess I'm way off with win 7 then but I only have 1 bench ssd rn and I'll make this win 7 install last as long as possible damn it!
  13. Wow! Thanks man! So many people here hold onto their efficiency secrets like gold stashed away, awesome that you're sharing! I'll have to try that when I try to get hypers to behave this week.
  14. Definitely true, I still have a lot to learn there, diagnostic mode with superfetch enabled is not enough...
  15. I will for sure be rebenching this week, got some shows I need to catch up on anyways
  16. Once you're on SS I find that netflix is your friend for this bench
  17. Glad that some of my scores are coming down now, can't just out clock my way to victory anymore
  18. And Frazier goes down! More seriously looks like I need to rebench with the new version and hypers
  19. I look forward to the igp stage, hopefully only having a 7700k doesn't hold me back too much. Gonna have to bclk a bit thought cause this board doesn't actually set higher igp multi...
  20. Did I miss it in your pic above?
  21. Ooh a competitor has entered the ring! Looks like I need to pull my my 109.9 chip out, fix my efficiency, and figure out how to make hypers work
  22. It should work for same win 7 iso as on 1g ryzen right?
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