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Everything posted by yosarianilives

  1. When will we see 3dm06 fall? Current record is 7700k at 6.4
  2. Was wondering how long it'd take for someone to notice that ez gold is there for the taking. Is GPU irrelevant past this point? Would GPU OC get you further or running 4x 980ti?
  3. 2600k and 108&108.3 g470 sold
  4. For sale today are some of my g470s for a better price than you'll find on the good ole fleabay. $20+ship each, buy your own globals for XTU and x265 too! Also for sale is a 2500k for $50+ship and a 2600k for $80+ship Accepting Paypal, PM or comment for more details/ifinterested
  5. Garbage tier chip, unstable above 1.5-1.4v depending on how far into the session, the IMC has gotten worse with every session (1.3v vccsa shouldn't degrade it that fast) and the igpu can't hit full clocks while running fast mem because of hating vccsa
  6. Well looks like I don't have time to source the requisite thermi cards and I don't have an extension plate for the chipset to get it out from under the gpus. So I'll just do 2d. I'd still like to borrow a mem pot and cpu pot if possible @funsouland if anyone would like to pour or provide insight into how best to use an evga x58 bios that will be much appreciated.
  7. I don't know his method, but I found that if you don't use plx lanes you're limited to a max of 109.9 typically. Or at least that's how it was on my mve. So having a board with a plx chip is a huge bonus for bclk OC. Also it matters what gpu you use since pcie is tied in. Maxwell was a no go for me, but terascale worked well. O, I hope I'm not sharing any sooper sekrit tweakz that will piss off someone
  8. Did you disable hwinfo on the second?
  9. Definitely a rare board, rarer than any of the other 2 big z97 boards. One day I'll be like you and own all 3, but today the budget isn't there
  10. Depends if whiteshark can make a deal or not I suppose. I put that in the r/oc discord pretty much as soon as it was listed.
  11. I think the board may've been snagged already
  12. And you tried this complicated procedure too? http://www.tomshardware.com/forum/253146-30-init-error-solution-maximus-striker Might also be worth trying with some low power dimms if you have them, assuming that it is in fact this retarded design flaw that is listed here that you're experiencing.
  13. Just some quick pretesting before I run igp
  14. ygpm
  15. So since it looks like tc isn't gonna be ready for the bench meet I'd like to ask for some help with a masochistic project of mine. I got 2x sr2s for extremely cheap a while back and have since picked up 2x x5690s. So what I'm thinking is period overkill. 2 cpus, 4x thermi cards, chipset, and mem on ln2. Would anyone be able to help me with this?
  16. Basically hold the board over the sink and dump isopropyl into the sockets to rinse it out. I get dirty socket all the time since I bench on ss with meh insulation.
  17. I'm gonna ask the same question everyone else is having at this point, is team cup on this year? With all the changes going on with staffing it's been a question of if it'll still get run and we haven't heard much about it. We're round about the time it'd be announced and so far we haven't heard any details.
  18. You guys try flushing with iso? My asus boards drop channels all the time, sometimes both, and iso flush fixes them.
  19. try lowering vccio, there's usually a sweet spot, and especially on ambient I wouldn't think that 1.25v would make it happy. Pumping vccsa has always been helpful to me also but you always have to keep it in safe margin
  20. I'm just hoping that team cup get's announced in time for me to order any legacy stuff I don't have on hand. Having all my current boards working and things binned would just be a plus.
  21. What is your vccsa and vccio?
  22. The only way is to create a wrapper like has been done for aquamark and some other benchmarks. My suggestion is that you get coding, because that's the only way it's gonna get made.
  23. ability to get records has nothing to do with anything, its an issue of ability to verify a result and it's not possible unless we create a wrapper for every benchmark. If you'd like this to be a thing then I suggest you get right on coding it. Otherwise you're asking others to put a lot of effort into something for you.
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